Chapter 19

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478 I will not use profanity around younger children as they look up to me.

I groan, I still had 522 more sentences to write. Originally it would have only been five hundred, but then I cursed when she told me five hundred, so not it was one thousand sentences to write.

I continue writing until my hand starts to cramp which was sentence seven hundred and nine.

I sit back in the uncomfortable wooden chair shaking out my hand to hopefully make it stop hurting, or at least make it hurt less.

"What number are you on?" The head boy, Charlie asked. He was stepping in for McGonagall since she was called away.

"Seven hundred and nine," I reply with a groan.

"What did you even do?" He questioned with a slight tilt of his head. Damn, he was hot.

"I used profanity in front of younger children." I quoted.

"I got in trouble for that too when I was in fourth year." He said with a smile, running a hand through his chestnut brown hair. "What did you say?"

"I flipped off a friend, then said 'damn' when she told me how many sentences I was going to have to do," I said with a grin.

"You better keep going, or else we are going to be here all night." He stated going back to the book he was reading.

I looked back down at the several pages that I had written on. Muttering curses, I go back to writing. 710 I will not use profanity around younger children as they look up to me. This was going to be a long night.

1000 I will not use profanity around younger children as they look up to me. I stand up, arching my back to stretch it and gather up all of the papers, placing them on the desk Charlie was sitting at.

"Here they are," I say tiredly. I was envisioning jumping into bed and just staying there with house elves bringing up strawberry cheesecakes whenever I wanted one.

"Alright, I guess you are dismissed then." He said, his eyebrows knitting together for a reason that I was not aware of.

"See you," I say over my shoulder, excited to get to bed.

"Wait!" I turned and looked at him, tilting my head to the side. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Was he asking me out? It looked like it, I had never been on a date before, let alone with someone older than me. What if I messed up? What if-

"So, no?" He asked. I realized I hadn't replied.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, nonchalant on the outside, while on the inside I was screaming in excitement.

"I will see you in the Great hall tomorrow at nine?" He asked, looking at me for confirmation.

"That works, see you then," I say with a smile, walking out of the classroom with a new bounce in my step.

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