Chapter 20

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"You did what?" Oliver asked me in the Great Hall with his eyes looking like they were about to pop out of his head. Oscar was just eating pancakes to the right of Oliver with a grin on his face.

"He asked me out, I thought he was hot, so I said yes." I replied defensively. "Why do you even care?" I questioned grabbing a pancake and putting it on my plate.

"What house is he?" Oliver said, ignoring my previous question. I replied to all of his questions with mildly sarcastic responses. After detention, I told the girls in my dorm and they insisted that Sarah had to do my hair and makeup. I foolishly agreed and so now I am sitting here in a too short red mini skirt with a cropped cream sweater and over the knee grey boots. My lips were a bright red and my hair pulled up into a quiffed ponytail. I shifted uncomfortably in the skirt, wondering how I was going to make it the whole day without ripping it off and switching back to my cozy sweatpants.

"Ariana?" A voice behind me said and both twins stopped arguing about the Lord knows what. I turned and saw Charlie standing there with his hand tucked into his jeans nervously. I stood up, thankfully not falling over the bench.

"Hey." I say with a smile. "Ready?" He asks, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. Gone was the confident boy from last night.

"Yeah. See you guys later." I say from over my shoulder as we walk towards the carriages that would take us to Hogesmeade. We got in the carriages and Charlie opened the door for me like a gentlemen. We sat there in silence for a little bit, both of us waiting for the other to speak first.

"So, what is your favorite color?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Red, you?" He asked, sitting up and tipping his head to the right.

"Emerald green." I replied with a smirk. "We are Christmas!" I said laughing.

"Yeah, I guess we are." He said with a small chuckle. We plunged back into silence. Merlin this is so awkward. I looked out of the small window on the left of the carriage and saw Hogesmeade approaching. All of the cottages and shops had perfect coatings of fluffy white snow, and the entire village looked like something off of a postcard. "So where do you want to go first?" I ask, again the first to break the silence.

"Three broomsticks." He blurts out quickly. I frown, "Ok, that works for me." What was his deal? The carriage finally stopped and we got out. I breathe in the scent of fresh snow and the faint scents of butterbeer from the three broomsticks and candy from honeydukes. Then when the bitter cold struck my bare thighs, I remembered how short my skirt was and how cold it is. On our trek to the three broomsticks, I think I fell close to five times in these damn boots. They might look cute, but they are crazy uncomfortable. Shortly after the fifth fall, we were finally there.

We both stepped into the warmth of the building and I found a small table near one of the fireplaces. I put my coat on the back of my chair and sat down. Shivering, I waved one of the waitresses over and ordered two butterbeers. Charlie still hadn't spoken once. What was up with him?

Deciding that since he wasn't going to talk, I pulled out a muggle sketch book and pencil and started to drawl. I started drawing Hogesmeade. Yes I know that it was pretty rude, but it was better than sitting there is silence for much longer. Right as I was finishing up drawing the outline of the cottages, our butterbeers came. I raised the glass to my lips and felt the frothy goodness slide down my throat. I took another sip, then continued to draw. Just as I added snow to the top of the cottages, I heard Charlie mumble something. I looked into his eyes and screamed. It was like looking into a black abyss. There was no color left in them, only blackness.  

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