Chapter 10

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After an eventful 12 hours, I finally get dressed and ready for the day. I grab my school books and rush down the stairs after realizing that my first class starts in 10 minutes. I sigh, hoping this is not how the rest of the year is going to be. I run toward potions when I run into somebody. 

"Watch where you're going!" He says. After collecting my books, I look up, realizing that it was Aaron. 

"Malfoy, did you get a letter from your father recently?"

"Why do you care?"

"My parents sent me one, saying that I had to come back for the break. Some big news they want to share with us."

"I hope not. I don't think that I would be able to stand to be in a room with you for that long. Not only is your personality that of a rock, but you also smell like cow dung twenty-four-seven. Good day." I say walking away.

"Ariana! Wait!"

"What do you want? I have a class that starts in," I check my watch. " 4 minutes. so whatever you have to say, make it quick."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"So we are having this discussion again. I don't hate, I just really don't like you. You are arrogant, rude, and once again, you smell like cow dung. So, if you want me to like you more, first take a shower and maybe spray on a different cologne, then step off of your high horse and help people. Three easy steps. Now, once again, good day." I check my watch, swear then sprint to transfiguration. 

"Miss Malfoy, you are late." Professor McGonagall says from up by her desk.

"Yes Professor bu-" I try to say but then she cuts me off.

"Detention tonight Miss Malfoy."

"Yes Professor," I say bitterly, sitting down in my usual seat between Oscar and Oliver.

"Now as I was saying, you cannot transfigure something inedible into food. This is true because of which law?" I raise my hand. "Yes, Miss Malfoy."

 "Food is the first of the five principal exceptions to Gamp's law of Elemental Transfiguration. It's impossible to make good food out of nothing. You can Summon it if you know where it is, you can transform it, you can increase the quantity if you've already got some but you can't produce it out of nothing."

"Very good Miss Malfoy, 5 points to Gryffindor." Antoinette raises her hand. "Yes, Miss Fullerton?"

"Professor, don't you think that it is wrong to award your own house points as you are more biased?"

"Are you saying that I am biased Miss Fullerton?"

She visibly gulps. "I meant no disrespect, but don't you agree that maybe other Professors would be more biased?"

"Miss Fullerton, one more word about me being biased, and you will end up in detention alongside Miss Malfoy." 


"Detention Miss Fullerton for questioning a teacher's authority. Now, back to the lesson."

I give Antoinette a triumphant look, then with a look from McGonagall that could reawaken the dead, I turn my attention back to the lesson.

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