Chapter 33

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"Miss Malfoy, you will want to hear this." McGonagall told me at breakfast this morning, her thin lips set in a grim line. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion hoping that she found out more about Antoinette. I grab another piece of toast, and get up to follow McGonagall to her office. Once we get there, sitting on the plush chairs in front of her desk, is Antoinette Fullerton and a girl with hair as black as night and skin as pale as snow.

"Antoinette!" I exclaim, breathless from my trek up all of the stairs. She just glared back at me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion, wondering why she is glaring at me.

"Miss Malfoy, this is Odessa Black. Miss Black here was telling me about a secret organization called the 'Marauders.' Have you heard of them?"

"Like the Marauders map?" I blurted, my hand coming up to cover my mouth to take back the words, but they had all heard.

"The what?" Black asked in a thick accent that I did not recognize, narrowing her eyes at me. I knew instantly that I would never want to be on her bad side, her icy blue eyes, holding no warmth but yet a flicker of pain registers in them.

"The Marauder's map. It is a map of Hogwarts that shows what everyone is doing every moment of every second of every day. The twins showed me." I said, bowing my head. Professor McGonagall just shakes her head, the ghost of a grin upon her lips.

"No, nothing as simple as a map," Black said in her mysterious accent, shaking her head, her night black strands catching the light in places making it appear as if there were stars shining. "The 'Marauders' are heartless killers, everyone in it does the bidding of Lord Erawan."

"Is he really a Lord?" I interrupt.

"No, he is not." She answers, shooting me a devastating look. "He commands everyone through these rings." She said, holding up her right hand diverting our attention to the garnet ring she was wearing on her first finger. "If we do not answer his call then a poison contained in the jewel seeps into us, rendering us immobile, slowly killing us painfully. When you are recruited you have no choice but to accept, he can read your mind so he knows exactly who means to most to you, and if you are needed enough, then he kidnaps those who he knows will scream the loudest."

"That is barbaric!" I say, my eyes widening drastically.

"That is why he does it." She answers simply.

"Why are you telling us this?"

"Because he will kill me no matter what I say or do, so may as well go out causing as much chaos as possible." She says grinning, no warmth in her icy eyes. I just grin back at her, liking her more and more every minute.

"What does he look like?" Professor McGonagall asks, making me jump since I forgot she was still in the room.

"No one knows. He always has his face covered by his red hood." She answers.

"Wait, have either of you ever had a dream where you were being chased by someone but you didn't know who and then you were surrounded by those you love chanting in an unknown, ancient sounding language?" I ask, my mind flicking back to all of those dreams that I had at the beginning of the year. If possible Black's face turned paler. "What is it?"

"You've been chosen." She whispers, and suddenly everything clicks into place.

A/N Surprise!! I did three updates this week since I was feeling pretty inspired. If any of you have any comments or concerns please do not hesitate to dm me and I will respond as soon as possible. Please do not forget to like and follow!:) *I follow back!*



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