chapter 7

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"Draco Malfoy is your FATHER??" asked Oliver with a wild glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, why, why, why are you not angry or like any other emotion. You just look excited."

"Well," Said Oscar.

"It," said Oliver.




















"Ok, first of all, stop doing that! You all are driving me insane."

"That is kind of the point." Chirped Oscar.

I sigh heavily, "Anyways, second of all my Father did not want to become a death eater, he was forced into it!"

"By whom?" piped Oliver

"By his parents and Voldemort!" I realized my mistake as soon as I made it. Still twenty years after the end of the second wizarding war, only a few call Voldemort by his name. As Hermione once told me; 'Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.'

"You speak his Name?" Whispered Oscar as if we were sharing secrets.

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.  Did you know that the muggles had a leader similar to Voldemort? His name was Adolf Hitler and little to no muggles are afraid to speak his name."

"How do you know so much about muggles?" asked Oliver curiously.

"Hermione Granger lets me borrow a lot of her books."

"You know Aunt Hermione?" 

"That is what I just said, is it not?"

"I definitely think that she will be an asset to the team don't you think Oscar?

"I agree Oliver."

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