Chapter 25

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"Ariana? What's wrong?" Oliver asked, both arms around my waist. I take a step back, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand.

"Father is making me marry Zabini," I say with a sob. Oliver opens up his arms again and I sag into them gratefully.

"Oliver, who is this?" A plump woman with red hair streaked with gray asked.

"Nan, this is Ariana Malfoy," Oliver said, a little nervously. I notice that at some point Oscar came over to sit by us.

"Well Ariana, I know how hard families sometimes are, so you can stay here as long as you need." She said with a small smile. Oliver released me from his arms so I turn and hug the woman. She tensed up when I hugged her at first, but then hugged me back with love only a grandmother has.

"Thank you," I mumble.

"Anytime dear, anytime." She replies against my hair. She then steps backward with a critical look up and down me. "You are much too skinny darling. Let me go get some dinner." She said bustling off to what I assume to be the kitchen. I then turn around to the rest of the people gathered and see who I assume to be George Weasely and his wife sitting next to a tall man with glasses, Ron sitting next to Hermione, Ginny sitting next to Harry and a grey-haired man who I assume to be Mrs. Weasley's husband. Hermione gets up and wraps me in a warm hug followed by Harry and Ginny. I try my best to not to cry, but my bottom lip betrays me and wobbles. The tall man with glasses stands and introduces himself to me as Percy. Mrs. Weasley then bustles in with a tray of tea and tiny cakes and doesn't leave until I eat every single cake. I tried to protest about halfway through the cakes, but she told me in a stern voice that I had too.

With a now full stomach and a feeling safe, I look around the cozy room, my eyes lingering on the Christmas tree in the corner. It was covered in dozens of oddly shaped ornaments and tinsel everywhere. I had never had a proper Christmas before going to Hogwarts. Yes, there was always a tree, and expensive gifts passed around and I can't forget the yearly ball that I was forced to attend, but that was it. Nothing like what the Weasleys have. I look at the old grandfather clock in the corner adjacent to the tree expecting to see the time but instead see many clock hands with each of the Weasleys' faces on them, most were in the section titled home. There was one hand though that was in the section titled mortal peril.

"Who is that in the section titled 'mortal peril'?" I asked Oliver, poking him to get his attention. He gave me a cheeky grin in response.

"That is our uncle Charlie," Oscar said, answering my question. "He works with dragons in Romania." He stated, his eyes glinting with their usual mischief.

"Have you ever been to Romania?" I asked with a small tilt of my head, readjusting to blanket around my shoulders.

"No, but we were thinking about going during summer break," Oliver answered.

"Ariana, are you tired dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked from behind me.

"A little," I said while twisting my body to be able to see her.

"Come with me then dear." She said while turning towards the narrow staircase, leading the way. I say my goodbyes, then follow her. We make our way up a couple flights of stairs to the uppermost room.

"Goodnight dear." She stated warmly, then hugged me and kissed the top of my head. She then made her way back down the stairs and I was left alone on the landing. I entered the room and my eyes were attacked by old Chudley Canons posters. I smile a little and walk around the room looking at them. There were a few Bulgarian posters but for the most part, it was only Cannon ones. I make my way over to the bed with Chudley canon sheets and lay down throwing the covers over myself and falling asleep instantly. 

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