Chapter 38

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"Ari what happened?" Scor asked me in the midst of my sobbing. Once I saw him appear I collapsed to the ground for Merlin knows how long and just cried. 

"Father." I am able to get out, before continuing to sob.

"Is it about the betrothal?" He asks, stroking my hair comfortably. My head is resting on his chest, so I just nod. Having an idea, I sit up.

"Scor, do you know who sealed the unbreakable vow?" I ask hoping that by some miracle he would. 

"Sorry sis, I have no clue. I have to get back to Hogwarts now, will you be okay without me?" He asks, getting to his feet, then helping me up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you." I embrace him in one last hug, before he gives me a cheeky grin and apparates away leaving me to my thoughts. I look down at my watch and realize it has already been an hour since leaving McGonagall's office and sigh in frustration. I can't just sit here and cry, I need to do something.

"Denise!" I call out, and she appears with a pop.

"Yes Miss?"

"Could you please bring books on evil wizards from the East, and if we have them, some on dreams and their meanings?" 

"Yes Miss!" She tells me, quickly apparating away. While I wait for her, I start to clean up the clothes I had tried to shove in the unlucky duffel bag, then decide instead to repack the bag, this time in a civilized manner. While packing, I run across a letter that Ollie sent me in Second year. Opening the parchment, I scan over the letter, chuckling at how much his handwriting has 'thankfully' improved. 


Whatcha doing? I am currantly leaning over my bed to write this lettar. The blood is all rushng to my head and I should probably stop, but I'm not going to. I wish you didn't have to leeve Hogwarts for Christmas, but I guess I'll see you next week. Ossie is becoming too much for even me to handale, I don't know how I'll survive until you get back. Well, have fun I guss!


I chuckle at all of his misspelled words, and how he used to talk. Sighing, I walk over to my dresser and open the top drawer to put the letter in the box that I keep all of my letters in, when I hear a pop signaling that Denise is back. I turn around and see that she has a whole armful of books.

"Wow! Thanks Densie!" I say while walking over to pick up the top book. 'Evil Easterns'

"Of course Miss!" She tells me, apparating away. I move the tall stack of books over to my emerald green chair in the corner, and sit down to read. I scan through the contents on the first page and a name catches my eye, Abia Eragona. I quickly flip to their part of the book, and read their chapter. 

Abia Eragona was born in Algeria on December 24, 1999. Her Father abandoned her, and her Mother died while giving birth to her, making her an Orphan. She was raised on the streets and quickly became known as the 'Lady of the streets'. She was fiery and fearless, and stole from the rich and gave to the poor, but before long, as all men must do, she fell. She was running from the local law enforcement when she fell off of a rooftop. Her body was never recovered. She was 16 years old. 

This could be Erawan, right? I mean her body was never found, I thought to myself. I get out of the chair, and go over to my desk and rip the page out of the book and give it to my owl.

"Give this to McGonagall please."  

She takes the paper and flies out of a cracked open window, headed for Hogwarts. 

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