Chapter 3

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"Ah, the Malfoys, how may I help you?" An old man, approximately eighty, asked us. "I would think it pretty obvious that since we are in a wand shop, that we would want a wand." Father said sourly. He told me ages ago that he never liked this man. "Yes yes, of course!" The man said scrambling around. "Come come dear, I promise I won't bite!" After searching around for a bit, and an exasperated sigh from Father, the man held out a wand. "Try this wand! Just point your wand at this box and say "Wingardeum Leviosa". If this is your wand then it will lift this box up high in the air." "Wingardeum Leviosa!" I say pointing the wand at the box. I watch as the box explodes into a thousand little pieces. "oh no no, not that one!" The man walks around the counter and grabs another wand from the shelf. "Try this, one!" The man says handing me another wand. "Wingardeum Leviosa!" I say pointing the wand at another box. The box slowly floats up into the air over our heads. "That's the one!" I look closer at the wand and I see that it has a beautiful swirled handle with flower designs down the rest of the wand. "How much?" Father asks, impatient. "Ten galleons, fifteen if you want extra embellishments." "do you want anything else on the wand Ariana?" "No, thank you." Father pays the man the money and we walk out of the shop, there we see Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom tugging a small boy with them. Father and I quickly duck back into Ollivanders to wait them out. Much to Father's dismay, they walk in. "Malfoy." "Longbottom" They each say coldy to each other. "Oh hello Draco!" Luna says sweetly. 


 "What brings you here, Draco?"

"We are getting Ariana's school things."

"How lovely! We are getting Jacob's things!"

"Well, as much as we would like to stay and chat, we must leave."

Father and I hurry out of there, as neither of us enjoys socializing with the Longbottoms.

"Where to next Father?" I ask. "Well what else do you need?" "Just a pet, well I mean it is optional, but do you think I could get an owl?" Father sighs,"If you want one" "Really?!? Thanks!" Giving him a big hug. I feel him tense up, so I start to unravel my arms, but then he hugs back. At first it was tense, but then he just hugged me tighter. This was only the second time I remember hugging him. 

"So off to Eeylops Owl Emporium?" He says after letting me go. "Works for me!" I start heading down the crowded street of Diagon Alley holding Father's hand. "So Ariana, what color owl do you want?" "I don't know, maybe green?" I say giggling. "I do not think that they sell green owls." Father said teasing me. "Maybe white then?" I say. I notice that Father just stopped with a blank look on his face. "Father? Are you ok?" Diagon Alley was filled to the brim with families getting all of their school things, but Father was just standing there with a blank look on his face. "Father! Please answer me!" I say loudly.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry that I have not updated in like forever......... Please comment or pm me with any concerns that you may have. Or just pm if you want to talk, I will happily!:) Also please let me know whether or not you like this, and please let me know what I should change. Thank you and have a wonderful day!:)

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