Chapter 1

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A/N; Thank you guys so much for reading this! It means the world to me!:) I hope you all enjoy, and please do not be afraid to be brutally honest, this is my first book and I want it to be wonderful!:) I love you all, and enjoy! <3 Mackenzie


"Ariana!" Draco Malfoy loudly called to his only daughter, eleven-year-old Ariana Marvina Malfoy. "Coming Father!" came the reply, while a series of quick footsteps could be heard echoing through the large manor.
"Ariana! Remember, a lady must never run or scurry!"
"I am sorry Father!" I replied, looking to the ground.
"You will be the downfall of our family name Ariana! Remember to uphold the name that strikes pride in the hearts of every Malfoy who has the privilege of owning our glorious name!"
"Yes, Father," I muttered in response.
"Speak clear and proud child!"
"Yes, Father," I stated louder this time. "What did you call me for Father?"
"You have received your Hogwarts acceptance letter," Father stated with a small amount of pride showing through his stormy grey eyes.
"Really!?!" I squealed, stopping when Father gave me a stern look. "Really Father?" I quickly corrected myself, standing up just a little bit straighter than before.
"Yes, you have been accepted into Hogwarts, we shall go retrieve your required items from Diagon alley tomorrow, but now you will clean yourself up and ready yourself for dinner with the Minister."
"Yes, Father." I quickly said as I calmly walked up the grand staircase in their large Manor, walking up the staircase until I was out of view of Father, and excitedly ran up the last length of stairs to my bedroom and quickly shut my door. I leaned up against the closed door and slid down the length of it with the Hogwarts letter pressed up against my chest happily, letting my long platinum blonde hair cascade down the sides of my body. I sat there in pure happiness for a while longer until a sharp series of sharp knocks jolted me out of my joyous state.
"Ariana! Your Father is getting impatient! Hurry up!" cried the head house elf, Denise.
"Coming!" I replied. With haste, I jumped up and walked down the grand staircase with grace and poise, wearing a shimmering woodland green dress that cascaded down to my knees, with a pair of matching green flats with small black ribbon bows on the tips. My long platinum blonde hair was resting on the small of my back, curled into loose ringlets. Most said I was the epiphany of grace and poise, especially for my age. Though I disagree with them since when no one is looking I climb trees, practice archery, and go explore the dark caves under the manor. I also almost never leave the property for any events other than the elegant parties that Father's friends hold.
"Good evening Ariana." Said the Minister, jarring me out of my thoughts.
"Good evening Minister." I responded walking with the Minister into the Grand dining room.
"Ariana, we have talked about this, please just call me Harry!" Said the Min....Harry. I giggled thinking about how her Father would react to her calling him by his first name. I could practically hear him say; "Ariana! A lady must never call their superior by their first name!"
"Ah Harry, it has been a while, hasn't it?" Asked Father, while walking down the length of the table to greet and shake hands with Harry. Ever since Scorpius befriended Harry's second child, Albus, they have become quite close, leaving their childhood disagreements behind.
"Too long Draco, too long," replied Harry. I smirked knowing that it had only been a week since they last saw each other. Ever since Mother died during childbirth with me, he had been overcome with grief and had been quite cruel to me, blaming me for the death of Mother. Scorpios said that when he was younger, Father was the epiphany of the perfect Father, but when Mother died, he was so overcome with grief, that he could think of nothing else but to make life a living hell for me, but when Father and Harry became friends, Father began to finally start to speak and act kinder to not only me, but everyone else too. Father jokes that Harry's good Gryffindor qualities have started to rub off on him. Even though he has become such good friends with a Gryffindor, Father has warned me that he will only finally be proud of me if I get myself into Slytherin.
"Ariana!" Draco hissed at me. "Ariana, sit!" I soon realized that I was the only one still standing.
"Sorry, Father!" I said while quickly sitting down.
"What were you thinking about, Ariana?" Harry kindly asked. 

"Oh nothing much, just thinking about Hogwarts. I just got my acceptance letter today, you see."

"Oh, my! Congratulations Ariana! You must be so proud Draco! I remember how proud I was when my kids received their Hogwarts letters!" said Harry.
"Oh yes, very proud." Muttered Draco. I lowered my eyes to my lap in shame. Father couldn't even keep his disappointment on hold while guests were at their house, but he had to bring up how big of a disappointment I am in front of Harry. I can't wait until I can finally leave for Hogwarts. The rest of dinner was finished out with not much talking, and I was very happy when Harry got up to leave because that meant that I could finally leave the awkward silence that had become this meal.
"Well, see you around Draco." Harry awkwardly said.
"Yeah, tell Ginny I said hi."
"Ok." I decided that this awkwardness was just too much for me, so I ran up to Harry and gave him a big hug, even though I could practically feel Father's eyes burning into the back of my head, and feel the disappointment in those eyes.
"Bye Harry!" I told him. I could tell that he was caught off guard by my sudden change in actions. "Please tell Hermione I said hi!" Hermione and I are very alike, we both adore reading, and are both very educated for our ages.
"Goodbye, darling. Let me know if you need anything." He put a lot of emphasis on anything because he knew that Father has quite a temper, and he knows that Father blames me for Mother's death. I finally tore myself away from Harry's embrace. I looked back at Father and watched to see what would happen next because, to be honest, I was scared. I looked into his stormy grey eyes and saw mostly disappointment, but saw a glimmer of jealousy in his eyes. I blinked and it was gone. I longed to have Father look at me the way that he looked at Scorpios. He was always so proud of him. "Err, well, bye!" Harry said quickly as he practically ran out of the door. "What was that?!?" Father's voice boomed through the empty entrance way. "I ju-just," I said stammering to get the words out of my mouth.
"You completely embarrassed me in front of the Minister!" Came his angry reply.
"Father, I don't think you realize how uptight you can be! You almost never let me leave the house, and I don't have a single friend! You have never once said that you loved me! You never once showed me that you were proud of me, it is not my fault that Mother died! Do you really think that it was my choice not to have Mother here? Well, it wasn't! You make life living HELL for me, while you sit there going on and on about how wonderful Scorpios is and how proud you are of him! It just isn't fair!" I said storming off. I heard him mutter something, but quite frankly I didn't care what he had to say right now, I just wanted to be alone. I rushed up into the library and laid down on one of the sofas staring up at Mother's beautiful portrait, wishing that she was still here. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Father had come into the library and sat down on one of the armchairs. "You are so much like her," Father said, startling me out of my thoughts. I sat up, hugging my knees to my chest.
"What do you want?"
"I'm sorry." He only said two words but I felt like he said so much more. Many times he has told me that a true Slytherin never apologizes, he has said that he has never once apologized to anyone not even to Mother.
"I'm so sorry! I never realized how hard I was being on you! You are so much like her." Gesturing to Mothers' portrait. "You are so strong and smart just like she was. She never let anyone boss her around and she was the only thing keeping me sane after the war and both of my parents getting sent to Azkaban. She was the only thing keeping me going." I could hear the sadness in his voice as he said this.
"I love you Ariana, and I am so proud of you, even if I do not show it." As soon as he said that I just burst into tears and ran into his arms. "I love you too Father!"

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