Chapter 17

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I sprinted down the hundreds of staircases from the Gryffindor tower to the Slytherin dungeons. My lungs were screaming as I ran, but I didn't stop until I was closer. I slowed my pace to a walk as to even out my breathing before I got to the entrance. All Slytherins took pride in how no outsider had been able to find the entrance let alone get in. As this was my fifth or sixth time going in, I felt that their pride was misplaced. I skipped up to the portrait and muttered the password that I had overheard some first years talk about years ago. They should expand their horizons and get a different password once in a while I thought with a smirk.

The portrait opened up into a stunning room with ceilings as high as the ones in the Great Hall with a great stone fireplace in the center on the main wall. The Common room also had emerald green couches facing the fireplace and the room only had a few students scattered around who didn't look up as I entered. I sauntered over to the dormitories and skipped up the steps to the girls first. I silently entered each room muttering the switching spell in each. I then went to the boys' dorms, also muttering the spell in each room. I smirked as I saw Aaron sleeping in a big pink onesie. I was defiantly going to use that against him. I looked at the rest of the fifth year boys. They were all sleeping like rocks. I saw Antoinette's tough twin Blaise sleeping with a fluffy white stuffed cat. I ran out of the room before I erupted in laughter.

Giggling to myself, I ran to the kitchens, tickling the pear to gain entry. I was quickly surrounded by house elves offering me various tarts and cakes. I scanned the room looking for a strawberry cheesecake when a smaller than usual house elf name Ally shoved it into my hands with a squeaked 'Here Miss Ariana'. I thanked her and left after grabbing a fork to eat the cheesecake. I quickly made my way up to the common room without being stopped.

"Gillyweed." I said to the sleeping Fat Lady.

"What are you still doing up?" She grumbled, opening the passageway. I entered the common room, immediately feeling at home. There is nothing like the feeling of stepping into the warm, red, room after being gone for even a few moments. I made my way over to my favorite chair to the left of the fire, sinking into the worn cushion. I threw my legs over the arm of the chair and dug into the cheesecake. It's a miracle that I am still skinny I thought to myself as the comforting taste of the cheesecake entered my senses. I happily chewed on the cake until the red-haired twins burst into the common room, slamming the portrait shut and startling me so that I started choking. I coughed until I felt a little better than shot them both daggers with my eyes.

"The hell is wrong with you?" I said, still coughing up a lung.

"We were being chased," Oscar said with his usual mischievous look in his eyes.

"By Ravenclaws? Were they throwing books at you again?" I asked with mock concern in my voice. I chuckled a little at my joke.

"Not this time," Oliver said, coming over and standing behind my chair, grabbing a small piece of my cheesecake. I swatted his hand away and ran up to the girls' dormitory, not pausing until I was in my bed. I didn't bother changing into to my pajamas, so I just finished my cheesecake and lay down, knowing that I was going to regret not taking off my makeup. 

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