Chapter 12

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We both just stand there for a few minutes, just waiting for the other to make a move. Realizing that she was not going to move, I grab a sponge and dip it into the bucket of soapy water. Using only one hand, I start to scrub the inside of the cauldron. The darn thing kept moving around! Using my arm that is linked to Antoinette, I hold it still so that I can scrub harder without it moving around too much. 

"Fullerton, just grab a sponge and start to clean! We will be here all night if you don't help!"

"I would Malfoy, but I have never cleaned before." She spat out at me.

"How was I supposed to know that? Grab a sponge, dip it into the soapy water, and scrub at the cauldron until all of the crap comes off of it."

"I know how to clean, I have just never done it. Nor, do I plan too!" 

"Like I said before, we are going to be here all night if you don't help!" I spit back at her.






"You are so lucky that I don't have my wand with me right now, for so help me I would hex your spoiled arse to clean it all by yourself!"

"Fine!" She grabs a sponge and starts to clean. "Happy now?"

"Yes, very."

We continue to clean for a while longer, only occasionally stopping to give each other death glares. I hope this is what McGonagall was hoping for when she said 'bonding'. There is no way that I could ever be anything more than acquaintances with Antoinette. 

"Hey, so what is your favorite color?"

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"You heard me."

"Dark green," I reply hesitantly. 

"That's funny since your a Gryffindor. Mines a deep purple."

We keep cleaning without talking anymore. We finally after a few hours of work finished cleaning the cauldrons. 

"Professor, we are finished."

"Lovely, you are dismissed."


"Yes, Miss Malfoy?"

"We are still linked together."

"Ah, yes, of course. Deglutino."

I instantly feel free, and yank my arm away from her. 

"You are dismissed."

"Finally," I mumble under my breath. We both walk out of the classroom and go our separate ways at the grand staircase without a sound. I run up to the Common room quickly, feeling uncomfortable with all of the eyes of the paintings on me.

"Mandrake." I tell the fat lady and she opens the door to the common room. There was no one in sight. I run up the dorm stairs to my bed and jump in without changing. I quickly drift off to sleep.

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