Chapter 1

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As I lay in bed, the sun shines through the cracks of my curtain, keeping me from any further sleep that I wanted. I lay there and take my phone out to see the time. It's 6:45am.

"ughh" I groan.

I'm finally beginning my freshman year of high school at Thomas Jefferson, which I of course dread the fact of being fresh from middle school, knowing I will probably be pranked by all the upper classmen or made fun of. I sit up in bed and hear a knock at the door, which consist of one knock, two knocks, then one final knock.

Its my mom.

"Sweetie, time for you to wake up. Breakfast is on the table, and do not be late, the bus will be here at 7:30." I get up and open the door.

"Yes mother I know. I am just SO excited," I say with my teeth clamped together. My mother clearly seeing through my sarcasm but ignores me.

I walk out to the left of my room into the hall way, crossing my arms over my shoulder as the breeze from the air conditioner hits me in all corners of my tank top and stripped pajama shorts, making me shiver until I finally reach the bathroom that's at the very end of the hallway. I get into the shower and begin to contemplate about the first year of my high school life and what awaits me.

After the nice shower, I get back into my room and look in front of the mirror at myself. I am skinny, but not too skinny, I am known for a small waist and nice round hips, my skin is like Hershey milk chocolate, and I have light brown eyes that are round, which make me look like a child. I brush my hand on the chair in front of the mirror where my uniform rest, which consist of the colors navy blue, gray and red.

Today I am going to wear gray shorts that are two inches above my knees and a red polo. I look back into the mirror and begin to fix my long waist length natural wavy, kinky hair. I put it into a bun and leave out my straightened side bangs.

In the midst of doing my hair, I hear faint noise, then open my door to hear my mom calling me."ANAMARIE, the bus is here, you better hurry and go now!" My mom says almost screaming at the top of her lungs, but almost in a calm manner, if it weren't for her yelling.

I run out my room and into the kitchen to take a granola bar since I didnt have time to eat breakfast. "Sorry, I had to do something with this hair." I say as I gesture to my head with the granola bar, pouting my lips at her with an apologetic look on my face. I kiss her on the cheek goodbye and begin jogging out the front lawn to where the bus stands waiting. As I get closer to the bus, I begin walking so I don't bring out the freshman aura or have everyone think im excited about school.

I finally get to the bus and the two doors open vertically. I look up at the old, wrinkled bus driver, somewhat in his 60's, with gray hairs, and clearly not happy with his job due to the frown that holds on his face even when he trys not to. I walk up the stairs, looking at the dirty floor, with some pieces of paper and molded gum stuck in the cracks, then avert my attention to my fellow peers, who by the way, just stare at me as I walk to the middle of the bus.
When I find an empty seat, I thrust myself there so everyone can stop staring, which after what seems like 10 minutes, they stopped.

As the bus drives on to the next stop, I look out the window of my neighborhood. I am heading into a different bus route and to a different school, knowing I am not in middle school any longer.

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