Chapter 24

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It is Thursday morning, I lay on my bed and remember all of yesterdays events. After all that happened, I do not even know if I want to go to school. James has not returned my calls and I am worried, afraid, and of course guilty of the truths Kayla exposed about me. 

I get ready for school and get on the bus, and  everyone stops what they are doing to look at me. I am sure they all read the fliers about me. 

When I get to school, I am desperately looking around for James and Sam is walking up to me. She has a doleful look on her face and she stops right in front of me. 

"So why didn't you tell me that you liked Josiah? How come I had to wait to find out that my friend is kissing my own brother, whom I live with, and who also has a girlfriend." She speaks softly, but I can hear the vexation in her voice.

"Sam. I.. I don't have an explanation for this. I liked your brother I'll admit. I was dating James and I already knew that you thought he was great for me and suddenly Josiah comes in the picture, swooning my heart. I didn't think and just  did what my body wanted, and that was to be with Josiah." When I stop talking, Sam shivers with a little disturbance.

"Still. I wish you would have told me." She says, grabbing my hands into hers. "I really value our friendship and we should not be afraid to trust one another. I could have helped you with this situation and told you what you should have done.  Now everything is hectic. James is hurt, you are hurt, Josiah, and..and even me."

I look down at my feet and tears start forming and she lifts my face to wipe the tears off. At that moment, Kayla comes and she is just laughing at me and I just feel like punching that smile off her  her face.Sam notices Kayla and I see her eyebrows furrow and she pats my shoulders before she leaves me and walks up to Kayla.

"Hey little sis. I can't help but notice you hang around the whore. Why is that? I am worried about you." She looks at me with a grin.

"I would appreciate it if you didnt talk bad about my friend. That was low of you and very immature." Sam says crossing her arms.

"Sammy, why are you saying that to me?" Now I see Kayla's grin turn into a straight line.

"Shutup. Just shutup. I hate it when you bully people and hate it when you call me Sammy. As of this moment, I will not acknowledge your presence. Goodbye." And just like that Sam leaves her looking stupid and she comes to me, taking my hand, and leaving her behind.

When we get away from Kayla and go to the cafeteria, I am just looking at Sam in amazement. She has a serious expression, but it leaves when she looks at me with a smile.

"So you forgive me?"

"Of course. I wouldn't stay mad at you for that. I am sort of happy you like Josiah. Maybe you'll become my sister in law." She says jokingly.

I start laughing.

I then think of Kayla out there alone and say, "Thanks for standing up for me." I say and we begin walking to the familiar table that I sat in at the beginning of the year and I pause. Sam continues walking and notices that I stopped and comes up to me.

"What is it?"

"I can't sit there. Your brother and Kayla sit there." I say.

"Who cares. You don't need to talk to any of them. Let's go." She says, pulling me and sitting me down and waking around the table to sit in front of me.

"But, don't you feel bad for what you said to Kayla? I know you guys knew each other for years." I say looking around the cafeteria to see if she was coming.


Sam is thinking and then says,"No. Josiah knew her and she only came to the house for Josiah. She has been getting on my nerves lately." She says with an annoyed look. "You know. I think I might have noticed before how you and Josiah looked at one another. I ignored it because I did not think much of it, but I think he really has a lot of feelings for you. Since weeks ago, he's been on edge and annoyed at every little thing. I didn't know until yesterday why. What happened between you two?

I stare off in to space and wonder the same thing, knowing all too well what happened and what I wished did not happen between us. I don't feel like talking about it and just shake my head, and she grabs my hand over the table, nodding with full understanding. I am so thankful I became friends with her.

Suddenly the bell rings and we hurry and go our seperate ways and make plans to meet up before lunch, since I will not be with James.

When I am walking to my first class, I see Josiah and Kayla smiling with each other, and he does not look all to happy when I come into his sight. I look away, feeling overwelmed with all these emotions of what has just happened in one day, plus today.

I pass the couple and go on to class. I tell myself,

I can move on. I will move on. I think.

 Heyy Everyone I thank you all so much for reading my story. I know I have not communicated with you all once, and I wish I thought of doing that from the beginning. How do you all like the story so far? Please continue to vote and comment on it!! :)

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