Chapter 4

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I walk into first period and take my seat next to Samantha and Mr.Henson does row call and everyone is here. When he finishes, Josiah comes in to take the attendance and Samantha-who by now I am guessing to be his girlfriend, waves at him, and he nods at her with acknowledgement and then leaves.

While Mr. Henson begins discussing  chapter 1, Samantha pokes me to get my attention. I turn to look at her."Did you see my brother? His name is Josiah. He's a junior here and is on the soccer team." She whispers.

I look at her confused, but then realize she must have be talking about the boy who just came in. I smile at her. "Yeah, I didn't know he was your brother. I thought he was your boyfriend. " I say with a silent chuckle.

"Eww no way. But I think he is so cool, pretty much all the girls want him, but he's kind of in a relationship with a girl named Kayla, who by the way is very beautiful. "

kind of? How can someone be "kind of "in a relationship? Anyway it must have been that tall girl he was with yesterday. I ponder, holding the eraser of the pencil to my head. "Oh yeah, I seen her, she is pretty."

"Eehem." We hear up front and turn our head towards the direction of the voice. "Is there anything you two would like to share with us?" Mr. Henson ask pointing at us with a yard stick, unhappy with our whispering.We both shake our heads and look at each other smiling, then we actually pay attention to him.


After 4th period, I head straight to the cafeteria, and stand in the line when I feel two bodies push against my left and right shoulder. I look both ways as both Samantha and the curly hair hispanic girl smiles at me. "Anamarie this is Diana Ramirez." Samantha says gesturing towards Diana on my right.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Diana says so bubbly like.

"So we were wondering if you wanted to sit at our table.  I would love for you too. You seem cool." Samantha says as we get closer to our food.

"Really? Thanks,  I would love to." We all get our spagetti and walk towards the soccer team table. I feel pretty nervous since I am not on the soccer team, nor do I know any of those people on the soccer team like Samantha does. When we get to the table, Samantha begins talking to Josiah, pointing at me and he doesn't even bother to look, and then she is done talking.

"My brother said you can sit with us."She says pushing me to sit down across from her and Diana, which I am also next to the Kayla girl, and diagonal from Josiah. Looking around the table, the team does not acknowledge my presence, so I look at my spagetti and begin eating.

I see movement in my peripheral vision and see Josiah holding Kayla's hand,  smiling at her and she returns the smile as well. They look very cute together.

"So Anamarie, any chances of trying to join the soccer team this year? I heard its good for your application for colleges." She drinks her water, then continues, "Diana and I are going to tryouts later." She says waiting for me to answer.

"Sure, " I finally say after Samantha puppy dog stares at me, with both of her hands clapsed together, saying please. I look behind Samantha and see James walking by us doing a double-take in my direction, realizing I am sitting with new people and stops to look at me, mouthing me to "Come Here." So I look at Samamntha nad Diana and say, "I'll be right back.  My um, friend wants to talk to me. Samantha then turns around, seeing James, and looks back from me to him, grinning sheepishly saying: "Take your time, you wouldn't want to keep your "Friend" waiting." Exactly doing air quotes when she says friend. I am embarrassed and walk outside the cafeteria room with James.

We find our way to a bench in the courtyard and sit down side by side. We both just sit down observing those around us, not speaking to each other, and then he looks at me with his brown eyes. "I'm happy you made friends." He says scratching the back of his neck with his hand. "Are you going to sit there from now on?" 

"Yeah, they are really nice and I am planning to tryout for the soccer team." 

"Really?" He keeps his eyes fixed on my face, as if he is searching for something. "That is awesome! Are you good at it?"

"I think I play okay. It's not like I  am a  professional, but I wan't to play for fun, and actually make more friends." I say 

" Should we go back? Its almost 12. " He says looking at his watch and then me.


When we get up and start back toward the cafeteria, Samantha amd Diana come out, walking in our direction, both smiling and then stop right in front of  us. "Hi, I'm Sam and this is Diana." Samantha says with her hand extended out for a handshake.

James grabs her hand to shake and says," I'm James, nice to meet you." He says smiling at them and then putting his hand on my shoulder, "I'll see you later." He says before leaving.

When he finally is at a distance where he could not hear us, Samantha grabs on to both my shoulder, jumping up and down with excitement. "Please tell me he asked you out and you guys are dating now?" I look at her with a confused face and then begin laughing so hard that I have to hold my stomach, which causing Samantha to back up, looking more confused, trying to access the situation.

When I finally stop laughing, I say,"James and I met yesterday and we are just friends. He was just telling me that he is happy I made new friends and thats all that he said." I say without any further thought of the possiblity of him even asking me out. Samantha turns to Diana and they both shrugg their shoulders, shaking their head.

"I thought he was confessing since he took you out the cafeteria, but I guess it is too noisy in there, but I still think this boy might be feeling something for you." Samantha says.

"What? Me? He is really nice, handsome, friendly, and popular and  wouldn't look at me like that. But, I need to go to class, so I'll see you guys later at soccer tryouts." I say walking away, with them still standing there with both their heads, shaking with disbelief.

I am not so pretty for someone to pay attention to me, it would be flattering, but just doesn't happen to me. I think as I walk into Chorus.

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