Chapter 17

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Its November and Josiah and I don't exactly spend any time together, but we notice each other more at school and say hi to each other. I message him on facebook and ask him if we can hang out in the secret room, but he never responded to that message, which was like two weeks ago.  I feel rejected by him again and I also feel as though I should break up with James, but I do not even want to break his heart. 

I made the decision to pursue seeing Josiah no matter what other people would say, but I don't think I will break up with James. I do not lose that friendship that we have.  I know it is wrong, and I can be judged by many, but honestly, I do not even care. I can't help my feelings for Josiah and I can't help my feelings of friendship towards James. I just don't want to ruin what we have.  It's me and Josiah's secret.


During school, Josiah comes to me while I am at my locker, putting my books in before going to lunch. I look around frantic. "Why are you at my locker? Go before someone sees us."

"Hey, calm down. We can still be friends. Talking to one another shouldn't be a problem." He says, leaning against the locker, smiling at me.

He is so handsome.

"Were you just thinking of how good looking I am?" He says, now getting closer to me and I step back, looking around me.

"No, I was thinking of how ugly you are and why do I even like you?" I say walking out of the building to the cafeteria. Josiah comes beside me and we walk together. It makes me somewhat happy that I can walk with him in the halls, but I am still afraid that James will see it as something other than being friends-although we are, but we just don't want him to find out. 

I look up and a few halls down I see Kayla and her crew. I am now freaking out and look for a place to hide and then Josiah pulls me and we go into a room. It is dark, but the light from the outside allows me to see Josiah and we are leaning up against each other. A mop falls on his head and he groans. 

"We must be in the janitors room." I say grinning and I can tell he's glaring at me.

"No kidding." He rubs his head and I grab his head towards me and kiss the spot of where the mop hit him. 

"You feel better now?" I ask, now smiling and he looks up and smiles back at me.

"Actually, I feel a little better, but I know if I am kissed here, I'll feel completely better." He says pointing to his lips and I giggle and quickly peck him and pull back.

He looks at me seriously and moves a curl that was sticking out behind my ear with his right hand, and then places his other hand on my hips to pull me closer to him, with no space in between us. He slowly places his lips on mines, slowly kissing, then getting more into it, placing his tongue on mines. 

mmhhm, he always has that cherry taste. I think and begin smiling, which causes him to release my lips and he smiles back.

"Why the smile? Am I that good?" He says cockily.

"No, you really suck, so I thought maybe you need some lessons." I say, placing my arms around his neck and he opens his mouth wide with shock. I continue,"I am kidding. I just thought you taste like cherry." 

"Really? Hmm, I never heard that before. That's nice to know." He says, grinning and then looking at the door and back at me."Should we go now?" 


He slowly opens the door and looks both ways and then grabs my hands and we both walk out, hand in hand.  Once we step outside, Josiah releases my hand and at that moment, I forgot that we had to be cautious of anyone around us. There is no one in the hallway and we both stand in front of one another and stare at each other, not wanting to have to depart, but wanting to stay longer and hang out. 

"So I'll see you at practice?" He reaches to grab me, but then puts his hand back down.

"Yeah. Count me in. I'm going to lunch, I'll see you in a bit."  I say, walking past him, briefly putting my hands in his, and going straight to the cafeteria.  

On the way to the cafeteria, Kayla comes out of nowhere and she starts walking next to me. I look over my shoulder at her and stop and she does the same. I just look at her until she gives me a reason as to why she was walking next to me. 

"Lately, I have been getting a weird vibe." Kayla says.

"Why should that concern me?" 

"Well, I've been hearing stuff lately that concerns my boyfriend." She says, popping a gum that is in her mouth.

"Boyfriend? Last I heard, you two weren't dating." I challenge.

"Weren't dating? Are you stupid? We started dating officially at the party, a month ago. Asks anyone around. Both Josiah and I are an item in this school and I hear that you are tailing around him like some stupid, lost, little mutt." She says getting in my face.

"You're funny. I do not even hang around your dumb "boyfriend." I say, doing air quotes with my hands and she shoves me by the locker. 

"I am warning you now. Stay away from Josiah. I really do not want any problems okay?" She says, taking out a wipe from her bag anddisinfecting her hand, which causes me to laugh in her face.She gives me one last look as if she is going to kill me and I still put on my brave, nonchalant face, and she walks away.

I stand there in disbelief and wonder how she could have seen us two together when we are not really always together. 

Ugh  her stupid minions must be around watching Josiah. I need to tell him now. As I am going towards the cafeteria, I stop in place and I just realized something she said.

They have been dating for a month now? Since the party? I..I just can't believe it. I need to ask Josiah whenever I get a chance to see him. This doesn't make any sense.

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