Chapter 9

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I am nervous when I walk through the hallways, not knowing if I will encounter James before I go to class. I see Josiah and Kayla making out by her locker and I gag, passing them and going towards my own locker to get my books. I guess I won't see James since it seems like he is avoiding me.  

When I get the books I need, I am about to go to class, then I suddenly see James backing out of the counselors office, smiling with his hands up as if he's surrendering.  He must be talking to his sister.

He closes the door and spots me.  He trys looks around me for a way to walk so he doesn't run into me. He tries to avoid me but every step he takes I mimic him and stop him.

"Why are you avoiding me? I ask crossing my arms.

"Are you seriously asking me that?"He just stares at me, waiting for me to answer. "I felt humiliated because I confess to a girl I like and she laughs at me and rejects me. Don't you think that is a good enough reason to avoid her?" He asks with his eyes squinted at me with annoyance.

I have never really seen James annoyed and when I finally do, he's annoyed with me.

"You didn't even give me a chance to finish speaking yesterday. I want to talk to you and finish what I need to say, so stop being a coward and follow me." I demand pulling his arm in the process.

I take us to an empty class room and I tell him to sit at a desk. I lock the door behind me and walk towards him to the center of the room. "Like I was saying yesterday, I think you are really nice and comfortable, and." I start and he interupts me.

"I know. You don't see me that way. I'm like a brother right?" He accuses and starts to get up.

'You know you are seriously getting on my nerves. I can't even finish what I am saying to you."

"It's obvious what you are going to say." 

"What's obvious?! That I think I like you too? That being with you these two months as friends made me happy?! I don't think you figured out that I was going to say that." I yell and he just stares at me wide-eyed and shocked. I take my breath and try to calm myself down, and he is just so shocked he doesn't say anything.

"When you have something to say, come to my last class before lunch." I say, unlocking the door and leave the room.

James is just such an idiot. He has so much charm and ugh, I just don't even want to think about it. 

I walk into my first period with a frown on my face and sit down. Samantha watches me with a frown forming on her face, probably curious as to why I'm frowning. I look over to Diana who I haven't really seen much, although we are in the class and she smiles when she sees me, which don't reach her eyes. I just take out a paper and begin doodling, not caring what we learn today and will just ask Sam for the assignment later.

I feel a buzz and take out my phone from my pocket and there is a message from Sam. I look over at her and she doesn't look at me so we don't get in trouble.

We always seem to get in trouble because we constantly whisper in Mr.Henson's class.

"What is wrong?"

Sigh. "I forgot to tell you yesterday, but since Josiah was there I didn't. Anyway, James told me he likes me a lot and I laughed thinking he was just talking about liking as friends." I text back

"Shut up! Are you serious? I knew something was up. What happened after?" She begins shaking her right leg, impatiently.

"He was avoiding me, but I told him this morning that I liked him too and he didn't say anything. So after 4th period, if he comes, I'll take that as us becoming a couple."  I texted and looked up to make  sure Mr.Henson wouldn't catch me.

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