Chapter 25

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While, I am in study hall, I walk to the bleachers on the soccer field and just do my work there in peaceful silence. I have not seen James all day and I already know he's avoiding me, but until when will he continually do that?

I am finishing my math homework, when all of a sudden a soccer ball passes my face on the bleachers and I look up in surprise.

"Now you even have Sam against me?" Kayla looks angry and she gets another ball and kicks it up at me, hoping to hit my face. I am just annoyed and find the ball that she tried hitting me with the first time.

"Can you get a life? Leave me alone. I have never hated someone so much in my life and you are definitely the first. I am not with Josiah and nor is he with me. I am not even with my own boyfriend and I sure as heck did not make Sam turn against you. You did!"

I pack my things and get off the bleachers. She just ruined my silence and now I need to find somewhere else to go. While I am getting down, she blocks my path and I roll my eyes, and she then pushes my books out of my hand and pushes me to the floor. I look up in rage.

"I am really tired of you pushing me around. I've had enough!" I yell.

I get up and push her down, getting on top of her  and begin punching her, left, right, and continually until I have had enough. Blood from her lips and redness is forming on her face. She then,grabs my hands and slams me face first on the gravel, and begins kicking at me at my sides, and then my face, which I shield . I thought I was going to get kicked even more, but then all the kicks stop suddenly. 

I look up at that moment and I see Josiah, holding both Kayla's hands in the air, tightly. He is focusing his gaze on me and irritation is spread all over his face. He looks at Kayla and then relaeases her, letting her stumble and fall to sit on the bleachers and comes to my aid.

 His irritation lifts when he gets closer to me, and he places his hand on my aching face, where the gravel scraped it.

"You okay. I am so sorry." He says lifting me off my stomach and standing me up to look up at him. He reaches to grab my hand and Kayla comes out of no where, smacking his away from mine, getting in between us, so he does not even touch me.

"You are leaving me for her? I will not have this happening to me. You are my boyfriend and no one elses." She turns and pushes me and I stumble.

He just looks at her with such vexation, ready to hurt her if she weren't a girl, but he takes in a deep breath and his face calms and he smiles, saying,"You are right. I shouldn't be doing that. I am sorry." He takes her hand into his and my heart just sinks.

He just came to my rescue, just to show off his relationship with her?

I look at them, tears forming and drop my body down to pick up the books and find the papers that fell when she dropped them. I still hear them talking and wish I could just  block it all.

"Kayla I'm sorry." She looks at him confused. "I am sorry that all this time I did not say anything about you hurting students, especially Ana." He says looking down at me.

"What are you saying?" She asks concerned.

"I now really know that I like Ana a lot and it was a mistake leading you on or even saying yes to you asking me out when I did not even realize it." He walks over to me and helps me up, and Kayla tries to come in between us again, but he stands in front of me like a body guard.

"No. Josiah please. I love you."

"Please, Kayla don't do this. I don't want to be with you. I can't continually put on an act for you. I'm done." At that moment, he takes my books with his left hand and intertwines his fingers through mines and we leave the field and Kayla holds her hands up to her face, sobbing.

I look at Josiah from the back as he pulls me to follow him, digging his nails into mines and I wince. I try to loosen his grip but he continues to pull me.

"Jo..Josiah. You're hurting me."

He stops and turna to face me noticing his nail marks near my knuckles and runs his fingers on them, soothing them.

"I'm sorry. I was just so upset. You okay? I think we need to go to the nurse. Your face is red. Are your sides okay?"

"Josiah, I am fine. But, what you said back there.  Was it true?"

At that moment, he just drops my books and grabs me into a tight hug. His chin rests upon my head and I take in his cherry smell.

"Of course. During these weeks without you around me, talking to me, or kissing me, I have been frustrated and put on a fake smile so no one could see how hurt I was. Although I think Sam did catch on." He is still hugging me, but moves back to look at me with his sexy smile.

"I'll admit that it wasn't easy trying to forget you. I missed you too. Like a lot." I smile back.

We go back into our hug and in the corner of my eye I thought I saw James and release myself from Josiah to see if what I saw was true, but I was wrong.

"I know for sure I like you too Josiah." I say and he kisses my forehead.

 I got to admit. Writers block is insane. For a few days I don't know what to write, and then boom, all of a sudden at night, I get all these crazy ideas.  Hope you all are still enjoying this tug of war relationship between Josiah and Anamarie. 

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