Chapter 3

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Okay so the first four classes weren't so bad and now its lunchtime.

I find the cafeteria and there are just crowds of students around different tables and a long lunch line. I reconsider eating and begin to walk out the room to go to the the vending machine right outside the cafeteria, when I feel a familiar tap. I turn around so fast I feel as though I cracked my neck.

Its James. I think in my head, while looking at that friendly, warm smile he gives me.

"Hey, Anamarie. How were your classes? Im gonna just guess, but you are a freshman right?" He ask, already knowing the answer.

I nod.

"My classes were fine, thanks for asking. What grade are you in?" I ask looking into his eyes, waiting for his answer and begins walking inside the cafeteria to get lunch and I follow after him. "I'm a junior. " He says and then someone from behind grabs his shoulder and he begins talking to them.

So much for that conversation. I thought.

We finally get our lunch after what seems like thirty minutes and I walk in the middle of the lunch room not knowing where to sit, when James walks in front of me turning around.

"Come sit at our table. Since you're new, I can introduce you to some people." He says, nodding his head in the direction to where his table is, and I begin following him.

When we reach the table, there are many people watching us. James puts his tray down and takes mines as well, placing it next to his on the table. He then stands next to me and puts his arm around me and starts to speak.

"Everyone this is Anamarie." He says all to excitedly and loud that the table next to us turns their attention to me as well. He continues, "She's new here and I wanted her to have a warm welcoming and make many friends, so guys be nice to her. " He then slides me into the bench of the table and he slides in next to me, still smiling at me and picks up his burger and begins devouring it. I begin to chuckle and he stops and stares at me with ketchup on the side of his cheek.

Im laughing now and he arches his eyebrows wondering why im laughing.

"Have you.." I begin laughing uncontrollably, trying to catch my breath and be serious. "How long has it been since you eaten? You seem pretty hungry." I say letting out one more laugher that was waiting to be released.

"Ha, you're funny. I just happen to love their burgers and you will too if you eat it. If you don't eat it by the time I eat this last bite, you won't get a chance to see what I am talking about," He teases and then smiles again.

I like James. He's nice and cool to hang out with, and not a jerk pulling pranks on freshman as I thought he might do. I. begin to bite into the burger and to my surprise, James was right-- it is pretty darn good, and he looks at me satisfied with my expression and begins talking to his friends.

I look up to see Samantha walking with the hispanic girl in first period to a table in front of us, full of jocks and then the handsome boy who picked up our attendance appears. He's walking next to a tall, beautiful girl with nice artificial red hair the falls lusciously across her back, looking like someone from America's Next Top Model. The both of them sit at the same table as Samantha and I must look shocked because James tries to get my attention by waving his hand in my face.

I look at him and he looks over to where I was staring at. I felt as though I needed to explain why I was looking over there.

"The blonde girl and the curly haired girl are in my first period, so I was just wondering how could they sit in with the popular kids so fast." I say looking down at the table, and not at him as if I did something wrong.

"Oh, some people are just good at making friends, but in this school people sit according to activities. Like our table is filled with those on the basketball team, on the right is musical theatre, and in front of us, the table you were looking at are filled with people on the soccer team." He explains.

"I see." I say as I look back at the table with the soccer team, and looking at Samantha, wishing I could make friends like she does.


The bell rings and everyone still sits talking to their friends, while I, on the other hand, pick up my tray and my book bag ready to leave. James looks up at me. "Where are you going? That was just the first bell, people usually leave at the last bell." He pleads.

"Well I am new here and I don't want to be late like this morning, so I want to get a head start to my class." I say apologetic for not staying longer. "Thanks for a nice welcoming here..I really appreciate it. He nods and before he says anything else, I turn to leave.

When I get out of the cafeteria, I take out my schedule and begin going to my next class, which is next to the cafeteria area. I then here footsteps behind me getting closer and closer as I walk to towards the building. "Hey Anamarie, I was running around looking for you. Why didn't you wait for me? I could help you figure out an easier way to your class." James saying with one hand on my shoulder, while panting with short breaths.

"Let me see your schedule." He takes the schedule from my hand with his right hand, while wiping off some sweat on his forehead with the back of his left hand.

"Is there some code on there that only you can decipher? I say with my arms folded, staring at him.

"No but all classes here go in order from left to right. First you have the main building, then when you go to the left its the science building , then English and humanities building , then you have the math building and so forth. All classes go in that order and then we have the cafeteria in the middle of the math building and the music building. " He says looking for any confusion on my face, and when he doesn't find any he continues. "So they came up with the schedule to make it easier for students. Also if you are freshman you are on the 1st level of the buildings, so you would not go on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floor of the buildings since those belong to 10th through 12th grade.

"Wow, they sure made our lives easier." I say smiling and then there goes the second bell. James then opens the Music building door and guides me to my classroom.

"See you around, I have to go up this building to level 3. Bye Anamarie. " He says running to pass the elevators and to the stairway.

He could have gone in the elevators and gotten to his class faster. I then open the door and go into the chorus room.


Ring, ring, rinnnng.

I stretch my arm finally done with school. I walk out the main building to find my bus and run into Samantha Hall.

"Hi, you're Anamarie right? We have first period together. " She says as her hair flaps in the wind, and her eyes brighter in the sun.

"Yeah I am and you're Samantha. " I say feeling a little awkward.

"Ive been meaning to ask someone, but did the teacher perhaps give us any work to do, I was not listening."

"Yeah, he said to look over the first chapter of the book and we will discuss it tomorrow." I say lastly and then someone is calling Samantha's name and its the gorgeous guy from first period. She runs towards him and I turn around,getting on the bus, hearing one last thing she calls to him before getting on the bus.


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