Chapter 33

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"Why would you even call me?" James ask.

"Like I said, I need your help." I pause waiting for him to oppose anything I say, but he doesn't so I continue,"As you know, Sam was taken to a hospital, and I want to go but my mom will not let me, saying I need to sleep or whatever, but I need to go. So I wanted to know if you can take me." I wait.

He doesn't say anything.

"Please James, I am very sorry about what happened between us. I did like you at one point, but not as much as I should have and I am sincerely sorry about that. I know you probably still have not forgiven me, but please do this for atleast Sam. Please." I plead.

He sighs. "I'm very busy right now. I don't have time for this."

I lower my head in dejection and I hear that familiar annoying voice. It's Diana. He's busy with Diana. I just roll my eyes and hang up the phone, wanting to throw it on the concrete out of frustration.

No one seems to care that Sam is in the hospital and irritation is rising through me that I forget how cold it is outside. I quietly go back to the door, and when I attempt to open it, it is locked.

"Are you serious?" I whine and begin banging on the door.

After five minutesd no response, so I bang on the door again and no one comes. "So she's really going to lock me out? It's not as if I am pregnant, I just want to see my friend. Is that so bad?" I grit my teeth, feeling the chill of the wind blow.

I then hear my phone ringing and take the call without even seeing who it is.


"Anamarie." James says.

"What? I thought you were busy?" I snap.

He sighs,"I'm on my way. I didn't want to be a complete jerk, so I'll take you to Sam. I heard she was at Heart of Florida."

I suddenly feel happy, "Thank you so much. I don't know how I can repay you." I say and then wish I didn't say that. Most likely to repay him, he would like me to never speak to him again. 

It is quiet and then he hangs up first.


We are on our way to Sam, which will take thirty minutes, and thirty minutes of awkwardness between him and I. I try to play on my phone to distract myself and he turns on the radio, probably to sound out my breathing- which is extremely heavy.

I give up on playing with my phone and look out the window in the darkness. I see that it is 11:00pm and then Ariana Grande's song Problem comes on and it is more awkward now.I got one less problem without you, continually repeats and I see James shift in movement, and I know he is dying to change the station.

"Okay this is just too weird. Honestly, I don't really have one less problem without you." He finally says, changing the station and looking over at me.

 I begin laughing and then we both are laughing.

Silence once again.

 "I forgave you a long time ago. When I found out you were with Josiah and how all the girls were against you, it made me feel like I wanted to protect you, even though you cheated. I seen how sorry you looked, and I just acted the way I did to make you feel guilty and think about what you did to me." He says, looking right into my eyes.

I can't help but look at him.

We suddenly drift off the road and he quickly looks back at the road in front of him, and I just laugh, and he smiles that beautiful smile. I really miss being able to smile with him.

"Thank you for forgiving me."

He nods.

After a few seconds, I look at him, "Hi, Im Anamarie Smith, nice to meet you. What is your name?" He just looks at me with a weird look and I continually smile at him, waiting for his name.

"Are we starting over?" He asks.

"Starting over? I just met you." I smile and he nods in understanding.

"Hi, I'm James. Or if you want, you can call me Jay." He smiles and that brings me all the way back to the beginning of the year when we first met.

I feel so burden free and happy we finally made up.

"So since we just met, you don't plan on kidnapping me right?" I giggle.

He laughs, "I believe it was you who just came into my car, holding me hostage if I don't take you to the hospital." He teases.

We continue to drive with no more awkwardness.

"Hey." He says after a while.


"I'm happy to have met you." He says looking at me.

"I am happy that we met too, and definitely happy we made up."  I smile.

At that moment, we reach the hospital, and James parks the car. We get inside and go to the front desk, asking for Samatha  Hall and he tells us room 305.

I practically run to the elevator, and James comes behind me. 

When we finally get on the floor, I run to the left seeing the 300's, noticing that each room door I pass goes high in number, 325, 326,327. I stop and look at James, who notices the numbers too and points behind him. 

"We should go to the other side. I think it's on that side." He says.

I run and I see the numbers going down, and we finally reach the room, where I find Josiah sitting outside the room on a chair, with his hands in his unruly hair. He is distressed, and he looks up when he hears our footsteps, looking between both James and I, confused about whats happening in front of his eyes.

He stands up and I walk up to him, hugging him. I pull away saying, "I'm here. I made it." He smiles at me, but then the smile disappears when he sees James and I know he wants an explanation. 

"Hey, Anamarie needed a ride, so she called me because no one else could pick her up."

"Did she now?" He says looking at me. "Although she has a boyfriend, she calls her ex." He sounds annoyed.

"It's not like that." I say and realize that he called himself my boyfriend. I put my hands to my mouth and he smiles.

Josiah breaks the tension and gives a handshake hug to James. "I was kidding bro. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Hope she's alright. How is everything?" James asks.

"Well...." He starts.

"Well what?"

"She lost a lot of blood and is unconcious. They don't know when she will wake up and she has the possibility of dying." He says looking down.

At that moment, I feel my heart drop and I can't even stand anymore, but fall to the ground.

She's alive, but they do not know when she will wake up and she might die.

Something different  (interacial love) process of editingWhere stories live. Discover now