Chapter 11

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It's Sunday so I decide to rest until 12. I got a call from Sam saturday saying that next saturday there will be a party and make sure to dress cute. Not fancy, but cute, and of course bring my boyfriend.

When I wake up, I just go to the computer room near the living room and surf the web. I log on to facebook and see I have a new friend request, and to my surprise its Josiah.

I look at his picture, and he looks like a model.  He is bending in the picture, petting a golden retriever, smiling. The picture is perfect. I think about whether I should add him or not and  decide not to and look at my news feed.

Maybe adding him won't be so bad. I think to myself, with the mouse pointer circling around his name. I finally just accept it and continue looking at my news feed when I hear the facebook message tone.

Its from Josiah.

"Hey, what's up?" He types.

I think of maybe not writing back, but then I feel bad so I write, "I'm okay, pretty bored so that's why I'm on here."

"Oh I get what you mean...I'm surprised you're not over my house."

"What do you mean????"

"What in the world are you thinking? I mean with Sam. DUH." >:P.

"Really? -.- You're silly."

"So..not to be weird, but you did say that I am good looking Friday. You really think that even though I'm "obnoxious"?

"Don't tell me you added me to ask me that? I am not going to answer that, so move on with another topic.

"So you want to continue talking to me then?" I really don't know how he looks right now, but I can imagine him smirking.

"I should call my BOYFRIEND because thats who I really want to talk to."

"Hmmmm. You're boyfriend seems cool, but what I've been wondering in my head is why he would date you.

"Really? you're a jerk. I'm logging off. BYE!!!!" I write lastly

Why does he always have to crawl under my skin and make me itch. ughh he's so annoying. When I get up from the chair, I go to my room and turn on the tv to watch some lifetime movie.  I look at my phone on the bed and call James like ten times, but he doesn't answer so I just continue watching tv.


Finally its school. Sunday was just too boring and to finally get out of boredom, I'd do anything, even if it's just to go to school.

I am walking hand in hand with James to the cafeteria so he can get breakfast. I go sit at the table to wait for him, and Josiah comes straddling in, with his hair not combed over,  but just let out, shaggy. I try to look away, but, he just looks so good, and I definitely don't want to admit that again so his head doesn't get big.

He sits down at the table in front of me, with his back facing me.

Good. I don't want to have to look at you anyway. I think. I look up at him every now and then to see if he will turn around, but he doesn't and Kayla comes to the table, sits, and they began laughing.

"What's so funny?" I mumble.

"Nothing. I just came to the table." James sits down next to me smiling. 

" nothing, I was just talking to myself." I look up again and see that Josiah kisses Kayla on the cheek. I feel a pinch in my heart.

Anamarie, what is wrong with you? Snap out of it." I say hitting my forhead with my head, causing James to stare at me.

"You okay?" He says with one hand on my back.

"Yeah, I need some air." I say getting up. "Oh before I leave, Sam is having a party Saturday, so if you want to come, you can." I say and leave the cafeteria.

I find an empty bench and just sit there,  closing my eyes, putting my arms behind below my head to stretch. When I open them again, Josiah is there standing behind the bench.

I just stare into those green eyes and remian silent. He then comes around and sits down casually. I then sit up straight and look around me to see if Kayla is anywhere.

"Relax, Kayla went to class already and like I told you before, we are not dating, so there is really no need for you to be worried she might see us.

I snort."Why should I care if she sees us or not. I would be happy if she did so I can see what she'll say this time." I cross my arms, knowing all to well that I am lying and he knows too.

"Right." He says smiling.

I am such a terrible girlfriend. I can't help but see how attractive he is. Surprisingly I smile back.

"Wow never did I think you'd ever smile at me."

"Yeah.." I say looking away.

"So ill see you around." He says leaving.

Just as he leaves James comes and does a quick handshake with Josiah and continues towards me and sits next to me

"So you and Josiah know each other? He asks, taking my hand in his.

"Not really. He is pretty annoying, and since Sam is his sister, I see him a lot." I say not even mentioning us being friends on facebook, so technically we are friends.

"Oh okay."

"Let's go to class before the bell rings." I say pulling us both up.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot we had classes to go to. I thought I would take time to hang out longer with my girlfriend." He smiles widely.

"Ha. no skipping class. Let's go." I say and we go to our seperate classes.

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