Chapter 32

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As I wake out of my daze, I hear the familiar sound of an engine, and I rub my eyes and see both Matthew and my mom talking in low voices to each other. I sit up and my mom turns around to look at me, smiling at me, and I smile back, then realizing that Sam just got into an accident.

"Mom, what happened to Sam?" I asks, waiting for a response and I do not get none.

No one answers.

"Mom?" I ask, sitting up on the edge of my seat, looking back and forth between them, and wait for the answer I want to hear.  "Mom!" I yell in her ear.

"Stop screaming, I can hear you." She says, pushing me away from her, out of annoyance.

"Then answer m!" Iyell, sitting back, crossing my arms over like some little kid.

"Anamarie." Matthew comes in. "It's not as though we do not want to say anything to you. We just do not know what happened to her. They managed to get her out of the car and put her in an ambulance. We were not able to find out what happened next."

"Then, what are we doing? Are we going to the hospital? Do you know which hospital? Have you guys asked?" I asked without stopping and my mom turns to glare at me.

"We do not know what happened. I know she was your friend, but you need to think about yourself and we need to get you to warmth since you were out in the cold for a while."

Was? What does she mean was? 

"What do you mean? You make it sound like she is dead" I say with an attitude.

"What do you expect? You can only believe she is dead until you see the results for yourself. People are always losing their loved ones. When there is an accident, they are hoping so much that they are alive, only to find out they are dead. What is the point Anamarie?"

"So you want us to think she's dead? How could you say that. I don't want that and will not think that. I know she's alive. I will not be negative like you."

"Shut your mouth Anamarie Lana Smith. Just shush. I want you to stay back there in silence. I am tired and you are annoying me."

"You're not the only one." I mumble and she turns back looking at me with the death stare for a few seconds before facing the front again.  I then look for my phone and attempt to dial Josiah's number, but stop midway and look up at my mom, who I know was lashing out at me because of my brother and dad's death. I don't blame her, but I want to feel that my friend is alive.

I put my phone away and wait impatiently until we arrive home, trying to focus my attention on the road, or play subway surfer, but my mind is just too focused on what I saw. Sam's blood oozing slowly out of her head, and the blood all over her body. The crushed vehicle. I just close my eyes, thinking of happy moments with her.


We finally get home, after a long twenty minute ride, and I run to the door, waiting for my mom to open the door. As soon as the door is opened, I run to my room, grab my towel, and go take a hot shower.

When I get to my room, I rummage through my drawers and closet to find something to wear. I find a black t-shirt, my burgundy leather jacket, jeans, and my black boots. I quickly put them on, leaving my semi straight hair down, putting a black beanie on my head, and head to the living room and wait for them to get out of my mom's room.

It seems as though ten minutes have gone by, so I get off the sofa and start pacing back and forth. "What is taking them so long?"

Finally the door opens, and Matthew comes out slowly, with his hand on his back, looking so awkward that I know what I am about to hear will upset me. I go to sit back down on the sofa and he joines me on the single chaired sofa, diagonal from me.

"Are we gonna leave or wait until something bad happens?" I ask.

He sighs, "Anamarie, your mom thinks it is best to just stay home tonight. It has been a long night and we can find out tomorrow mornning which hospital she is at. So she wants you to get some rest."

I am in disbelief and then anger is rising through me, causing me to stand up. I attemp to head to my mom's room, but Matthew comes straddling next to me, blocking me from opening the door, which annoys me.

"Can you move?"

"Anamarie, you shouldn't" He says calmly.

"Get out of my way, Ma-a-tthew."  I say, putting emphasis on his name.

When I am about to open the door, my mom comes out in her pajamas, and now I know he is serious about her not going with me tonight. "You don't have to go. She's my friend. I want to go." I say.

"No. You need to sleep." She walks past me, going into the kitchen and I follow her.

"No. I will not sleep and you know darn well. I want to see my friend!" I yell.

"Stop it will you? I will not allow you to go and see something you don't want to see, or hear something you don't want to hear." She says, almost raising her voice.

I stop and stay there for a bit, and then I say what I shouldn't.

"This is about dad isn't it? I don't care anymore. He died a long time ago, and I want to see my friend who may be alive and will need me by her side. You have no right to stop me. Just because dad died a long time ago and you went to the scene, finding out he was dead, does not mean Sam will be when I get to the hospital." 

When I say that, she slams the cabinet and then slams my face with a slap, so loud, it echoed through the house, and I stumble against the counter. 

"You are cruel you know that? I can't believe you would say that about my late husband, and your own father. Get out! No one will be giving you a ride. So leave." She says and marches back into her room.

Matthew gives me an apologetic face and I walk out the front door, holding my hand to my warm face she just slapped, and stand on the drive way, looking back at the house.

I text my mom, "I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean it, but I needed you to let me go. I hope you will realize this and understand me. I love you. - Anamarie."

I look at my phone and dial a number.

"What do you want?"

"James I need you right now."

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