Chapter 7

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Its 8:50, Saturday morning, and the sun high and bright in the sky. I lay in bed not wanting to get out, amd just watch the ceiling until I hear a beep. It's a message from Samantha.

"Come to my house by 12. The address is 2414 Big Black dr, Kissimmee Fl. " I then scrunch my eyes looking at the text over, analyzing it in my head, realizing she lives in my neighborhood.

"Okay I will be there."  I text bsck, still lying on my back.

Knock, knock knock, knock.

My mom of course.

My mom opens the door and looks righy at me not speaking. "Yes? I ask curiously and now sitting up.

"I am going to Orlando for a few hours. A friend of mines lost her husband in death." She says with sadness on her face. "I won't be back until maybe 6, so do you have anything to do today? Would you like to come? She ask standing in my doorway not coming in my room.

"I actually have plans to go to a friends house today." I say feeling bad for not accompanying her.

"Oh okay that works out. How long were you planning to stay there? Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Umm, I'm not sure yet. I'll text you later to let you know." I say getting up and making the bed.

"Alright." She turns to leave, but I call out to her and hug her.

"Mom are you alright? Lately you seem tired and sad." I look right at her since we both are the same height. She smiles, kisses my forehead and tells me she is fine, and then leaves out the room.

My mom and I both lost my older brother and my father in a car accident three years ago to a drunk driver. We were so heartbroken, and it took time to recover from the lost. My mom has not been the same since the accident. She is a Registered Nurse and is always working at the hospital, is always tired, and looking upset from time to time, blaming the world for allowing people to over drink,  when they should be stopped, saying all they care about is getting money and nothing else.


Its 11:50 and I take a shower and begin getting ready. I wear a light blue tank top with 3 inch straps and some plaid shorts to go with it. I take some gel, massage it through my hair and let my hair fall over my shoulders in the many waves it has.

My mom took me to sam's house which took like five minutes by car. I get out of the car and see that they have a nice big two story house, with a black gated fence and an intercom outside like rich people have for their mansions. I ring the door bell and someone answers.

"Hey Anamarie. You are finally here." She says.  Although she sees me, I can't see her. The gates open automatically and I turn around to wave bye to my mom and she leaves.

I step into their front lawn, which is beautiful, that has a water fountain of a female statue in the middle of the circular drive way. The grass is so well kept and when I get to the door, Sam comes out running to me, and grabbing me into a hug.

"You know we just seen each other yesterday right?" I joke and she just laughs.

"I know, I just wanted to be dramatic." She says pulling me by the hand into her house.

Just when I thought the outside was amazing, the inside was gorgeous, filled with a nice rose scent, with a glass chandelier hanging from ceiling. They have three stairs that lead to the top, which consists of one in the middle and two on the sides. The marble floors are shiny and clean and everything is just huge.

"Close your mouth.You'll get the floor wet. Come on let's go to my room."  She says taking the middle stairs up.

When we get to the top of the stairs, which seem to have been twenty steps up, we just walk straight ahead and her room was at the end of the hall. She opens the door and her room is huge with her own bathroom. She has a bed with a nice lacy cover that falls over the bed, like how a princess would have it. She has a fifty inch tv on her wall, a computer desk, and walk in closet that contains like a billion of shoes in one. When you open another door in the closet, she has many many clothes.

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