Chapter two- In the Nick of Time

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Claire's pov

Blood was dripping next to my face and I could now feel droplets of sweat on my forehead. My arms burned slightly and the towel no longer felt secure on my body. I groaned as the pressure of keeping this zombie from biting my head off increased. Was it me a or the undead could be quite...


This was like shoving a wall off your body. This wall was made of the finest concrete apparently. I had to resort to my only option.

The quickest thing I could think off in a situation like this.

I shoved the creature away from me with my greatest strength. I was successful as the creature flew a good distance from me.

One point for Claire, zero for Mr. Blood thirsty. If I wanted out of this I had to move swiftly, I ran to my bedroom and I was usually a picky dresser, I had to make an exception.

In haste I threw my towel to the floor and dragged on a dress and underwear. Throwing on my wedge heals in the fastet manner I could generate I looked around cautiously.

As much as I hated wearing dresses I had no choice in a situation such as this one. The truth is there is never one zombie around and I didn't have the time to spare.

Something grabbed my leg and my eyes fell to a gray colored hand holding my calf in a vice grip. The fucking thing was actually under my bed, I stopped the creature's hand into nothing.

I made my way downstairs with my keys in hand, I needed to retrieve my weapon. I would not survive these streets without a weapon.

There was a zombie waiting for me in the kitchen and just like the one in the bedroom, the creature grabbed after my foot. I was faster than the brute however so I grabbed my microwave and threw it onto the creature's head.

I was near tears, that microwave and I had been through so much. Now I had to destroy it.

I was still seeking my best weapon and the answer to the quest was the drawer where I kept my shotgun for the case of such an emergency. I found it only to turn around into the sound of a low growl.

Would these things ever quit?

Yellow eyes met my electric blue ones in an instant and every muscle in my body stiffened. An infected dog, just what I needed in a time like this.

My pit bull Pixy whom I cared for for six months now was now preparing to eat my ass.


"Good Pixy...Nice Pixy" I stated as I swallowed but she only took a step towards me her growls louder. My fingers tightened around the shot was either me or her and it was not going to be me.

She made her launch and the shot was fired followed by a low cry of pain. The dog became limp in its own blood and I felt a bitter for doing this.

I sighed in relief as I grabbed a back pack packing it as though I was going on camp. Then again this was a camp because I was just evicted from my home by monsters.

This left me no choice but to camp for my life.

I made my way outside after killing a few zombies I stole my neighbour's van and hot wired it. Well it wasn't a crime as my neighbour was among the undead and I had to kill him.

I'm sorry Mr James I stated mentally as it was a pity things had to be this way. That poor man would still be alive if it was not for this pandemic.

In fact a lot of persons would be alive...

I backed out of the driveway as soon as the engine roared with life. The gas indicator was a small distance away from the 'E'. I didn't know how far it would take me but at least is would take me distance away from all this, or so I hoped.


I made it a good distance until the sky was no longer blue but dark. The place resembled a ghost town in every way possible. Limp bodies all around and the ones that moved were zombies.

I sighed. Did I not leave all this behind? I was finally somewhere close to a normal life.

"I thought I left this shit behind" I growled as my hand tightened around the steering wheel.

"Are the monsters gone?" Came a tiny voice and my eyes widened.

I almost crashed at the additional voice in the car and in an instant my foot touched brake. I turned to see a brunette girl with watery eyes.

She looked no older than six years old and my compassion grew as she held her teddy bear close to her small body. She was scared, maybe even more scared than I was. The question was, how did she get in here?

"Sweetheart you came in here all by yourself? You have been here all  along?" I asked, searching her moist eyes.

"After one of those monsters attached my papa he brought me here...I think my pa is dead miss" she stated and I saddened.

No child should face this. She reminded me of the girl I saved in Racoon city. Sherry Birkin, that little blond was someone I would never forget.

"Well you don't have to worry about those monsters honey. I will take care of you the way your pa wasn't able to but promise me something. Promise me no matter what happens you'll have faith that we'll get out of this mess" I told her and she nodded.

I forced a small smile.

"Will you get my dad back?" She asked and I sighed. That was the question any child in this situation would ask.

"You're dad isn't coming back sweetheart ...those monsters turned him into one of them" I told her. She began sobbing onto her teddy bear. I didn't know what else to say so I continued to drive in silence.

These were the things I hated the most...the heartbreaks that came with this pandemic. So many families broken, I was still unaware of my brother's status.

Was he dead or alive? I tried my very best not to think about it.

I grabbed my phone from the dashboard and dialed the cops. Someone must be alive right? The station here was far bigger than the one in Raccoon city so that gave me a bit of hope.

"Hello! Anyone?!" I yelled only to receive no response.

Shit, even the station was infested.

"Just great, the cops are never around when you need them" I murmured and the car began to slow its pace.

Shit! Not now I cursed mentally as this could only mean one thing. The car was out of gas and out of gas was next to out of hope.

This was the sad truth that we would have to walk the rest of the journey and in this situation, walking was a dangerous option. Sadly, we had no choice, sitting in that car was simply waiting to be atracked.

I promised this angel safety.

Gear up as in the next chapter something is bound to happen and you don't want to miss it. For all those who commenit and vote on the book thank you. If you viewed the book thank you also 😊😊

Aren't you guys curious to know our little brunette's name?

Next chapter guys😘😘😘

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