Chapter Twenty one- Safe for now

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Claire's POV

"Next time you don't run off to rescue people" Leon state as he paced the room and I sat the counter like a teenager caught sneaking out. He had been scolding me for minutes now.

"If I wanted help I wouldn't want to be left or ignored Leon, I had to" I pointed out and Leon stopped pacing the room and made his way towards me.

"Had to risk your life,You a most died today. That building was an oven and you walked into that oven" he state as he placed his fist next to each of my hips as he stood before me.

"But I didn't and I was able to save a life...Sherry would have died if I hadn't take the risk" I told him as I brought my lips to his watching as he closed his eyes slowly before kissing me back.

"I almost lost you Claire, you jumped moments before that building collapsed" he state as I removed my blouse throwing it else where before removing his shirt. His eyes fell on my breast immediately.

"But you didn't, I'm still here" I told him as he unlatched my bra his hands cupping my breast and my nipples hardened.

"Because I forced you to jump" he remarked as he took my right breast in his mouth, tugging my nipple with his teeth. I moaned, toying with is hair in the process. He then went for my left breast giving it equal attention.

His hands then slid downwards, a finger pressing against my underwear as he kissed me and I moved into him. Why was he torturing me?

"Please" I begged as my lower area cried for attention and he was teasing me throughout the fabric of my underwear. I moaned as soon as he was no longer standing and his lips came in contact with my thigh.

And my underwear and skirt was off in no time two fingers entering me as he  kissed and sucked on my inner thigh. I wriggled in his hold but he didn't stop, he kept going, wetting my thighs with his lips.

"What is it you want?" He asked, blowing on my aching core and I trembled in his hold.

"Please, just do something" I begged, my entire body crying out for pleasure. Again, the type of high I didn't want to come down from.

His finger was then replaced with his tongue and I felt my orgasm building immediately with each movement his tongue made. I grasped his hair as he placed my legs over his shoulder as his tongue tasted the parts of me it could reach.

"Ah..." I groaned as I turned my hips in pleasure my eyes closed.

He pulled me closer as he continued to circle my core and I felt my approaching orgasm. I groaned when I wriggle in his hold, his hand pulling me closer roughly as I came.

When he finally stood again he wiped his lips with the back of his hand, two fingers being paced inside me once more.

"I want you" I state as I unzipped his pants and removed his stiff cock, my blue eyes never leaving his grey ones. He then sat on the counter positioning me where I'd now straddle him as he entered my wet core. I screamed into his chest as I could feel him deep within me.

His eyes closed as I moved my body against his slowly my hand clawing his back as he filled me. His lips found my neck, biting the area gently. He then kissed me, placing his tongue inside my mouth as he searched for my tongue and wrestled with it.

I clutched onto him as he went harder, my eyes turning in pleasure.

He squeezed my ass as soon as my movements became faster. I moaned beneath his lips and to my surprise he had us both standing only that I was bent over the counter as he penetrated me from behind.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to walk after this...

I gripped the counter firmly to steady myself as he guided my hips to his roughly. I yelled in both pain and pleasure with each movement as I tightened around him. I could feel my next orgasm approaching and based on his growls I could tell he was close to.

I came and only seconds after I could feel his release inside me, my eyes closed as I breath heavily.


I was seated on what one would call the porch of this tree house when my brother came and sat next to me.

"So you're with Leon?" He asked. I eyed him, only Jill saw us together so that could only mean one thing.

"Jill told you huh?" I asked.

"I heard you two last night actually. Jill knew?" He asked. So much for opening my big mouth. I face palmed myself mentally.

My cheeks reddened. "I didn't think we were that loud " I state as I avoided my brother's gaze. Having this type of of conversation with your older brother was quite awkward.

"Leon wasn't, you were" he state and my blushed deepened, if that was even possible.

"Sorry" I state in a low town avoiding his gaze.

"Claire we are both adults here, there's nothing to be sorry for" he told me.

"He makes me feel like... He makes me want every piece of him" I admit and Chris smirk.

"I wonder if Jill says the same thing when I bang her brains out?" He remarked.

"Oh get over yourself Christopher" came Jill's voice as she sat next to Chris.

I chuckled and Chris made a face at me.

"Just be careful honey, relationships require parts of you you never knew existed" Jill told me and I nod.

I knew that much...

"Yeah, but you've just got to make things work. It urs took you guys long enough" Chris remarked and my eyes widened.

"What do mean?" I asked.

"You two met years ago, there has been chemistry, you both were to damn shy to admit it" he state and I stared at the sky knowing he was right.

Yay another update!!! So what y'all think?

Vote and comment please 😉😉😉

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