Chapter Thirty- First day on the job

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Claire's POV

After two months I had finally gotten a job as a PA at a well know firm. Thank god for doing business in collage or I would still be at home just about now.

Actually I was quite surprised when I had gotten the call after the interview. That day I was so nervous I thought I had messed up my interview.

Again I was really surprise to recieve the call. They were other qualified persons who could have been chosen for the position. Other persons who did great on their interviews.

"He likes his milk slightly warm Jill, not hot" I told Jill as I put my heals on, looking at the mirror before me.

"Claire I know, you've said that for the fifft time now" she told me as she crossed her arms by the door frame. Oh wow, I sounded sort of paranoid.

"He's not a straight sleeper and he gets irritated by a hot environment" I told her, wrapping my hair into a loose pony tail. I'm quite sure I didn't mention that already.

"Claire, Junior will be fine. You do realize I'm a mother too right?" She asked. I sighed.

"I know Jill, its just that it's my first time being away from him." I stated and she untied my hair.

"Its okay to be worried Claire" she told me.

"Why do you always have your hair up like that? Relax Claire. You'll have a good first day at work and your baby will be fine" Jill assured me as she turned me to face her, applying a small amount of lipstick to my lips.

I never wore my hair down and lipstick wasn't really my thing. What could I say? I am a tom boy.

However, I guess there would be good in trying something new.

She then turned me back to face the mirror, me staring at my reflection. Red lipstick really looked nice on me and I looked great with my hair down. Jill took a photo of me.

"Now let's get downstairs so I can take a picture of you with your brother" Jill stated as she practically dragged me downstairs.

Did she forget that I was wearing heals?

"I'm late, you two know that right" Chris remarked looking at his watch. Jill placed me next to him, stepping back to angle her camera.

"Say cheese" at that remarked, Chris and I gave Jill a look. Did she see us a six year olds? She chuckled moving the camera away from her eyes for a moment.

"What? Ugh, Fine, just give me smiles" she told us and Chris threw his arm around my shoulder. As soon as we saw the flash Chris and I wiped the stupid grin from our faces.

I then looked at Jill. "It's really sweet for you  name one of the girls Claire" I stated, a slight blush on my cheek.

"Actually I name Christina, naming Claire was all on Chris" Jill told me and I looked at my brother with a shocked face.

It was Chris's idea? I then smiled hugging him so tight our cheeks pressed.

"Jill...this is exactly why didn't want you to tell her, she gets mushy over suff like this" Chris stated as he hugged me back, patting my shoulder.

Jill snapped a photo.

"Have a good day you two. Um Chris could you..."

"No fast food" Chris cut her off as he released me, pointing a finger at her. Her eyes narrowed.

"Fine I'll bring you something on my way over" he stated. She pecked his cheek.

"Damn you've got me wrapped around your finger" Chris remarked.


"You sure you don't want me to pick you up after work?" Chris asked as I exit the car, him being over protective again.

"Leon said he'd come get me" I told him.

"And you're sure about that?" He continued and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Chris now go. I don't want to keep you any longer, you're late" I told him.

"Okay, have a good day Claire, call me if anything comes up. Aything" he stated and I nooded. Big brothers could be so over protective at times.

"Got it" I stated, watching him drive off. I then turned and looked at the sky scraper before me, taking a deep breath.

My first day at work was behind that glass door.

As soon as I entered the building all eyes faced me. Ignoring those eyes I made my way to the receptionist. Before I could even speak she spoke.

"You must be Claire, the new PA. You know when Mr Cole said red head I never thought you would be a natural red head" she state with a smile as she handed me something.

An ID card.

"Last floor, turn left" she stated.

"Thank you very much" I stated as I made my way over to the elevator.

As soon as I entered the elevator I punched a few buttons. Why did I feel so nervous ? I had gotten the job but still felt as though I was making my way to the interview.

"Relax Claire" I mumbled to myself, watching the numbers above the door of the elevator.

I then looked at my shiny black heals, as soon as I had enough money I was going to purchase the apartment I saw in the ad section of the news paper.

Leon would be disappointed that I had rejected his offer but I'm sure he could understand. Moving in with him was a huge decision, one that I didn't think I'd ever be ready to make.

As soon as the elevator came to a shop and the doors open I got out, following the directions the receptionist gave me.

As soon as I was at Mr Cole's office I gave the door a soft knock.

"Enter" was his reply so I did. He looked up at me from his paperwork, his gray hair a complete mess, his eyes tired.

"I was selected for the PA post, I'm Claire..." He cut me off before I could finish introducing my self.

"I was expecting you, I was informed the moment you arrived. Right this way Miss Redfield, I'll show you your office" he stated as he he led the way to my office.

Well that wasn't so bad now was it?

Hello my readers...yes another update. Yayy me!!!

Hope you like the chapter thanks for supporting the book. It means so much to me.

Do note this book is driven by my love for the character Claire and Leon. Your opinion may differ but I see these two as a power couple.

Also don't judge, this book takes place after RE2 and I am quite aware that other things took place. This is just a story guys ;)

I don't own any video or pictures used in this book and only a few characters are mine :)


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