Chapter Nineteen- Begining of a Bad Romance

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Claire's POV

"Claire have you seen Leon?" Jill then froze when she found both person she mentioned in a passionate kiss. His tongue was far down in my throat for me to reply, not that I needed to.

Oh did I mention I was unbuttoning his shirt while his hands roamed my thighs?

"Oh" was all she said as she took steps back apparently exiting the room and I closed my eyes as I continue our heavy kiss. I moaned slightly when his hand gave my thighs a slight squeeze as my lips found his neck and toyed with the flesh.

He groaned animalistic while I continued to toy with the skin of his neck. His hold on me tightened and I knew what was about to begin.

"The...d...o...or" I moaned as he decided to taste my breast while he massage the other. My nipples hardened with his every action.

"Leon the door" I state only to have him move away from me to show me that when Jill came up here she closed the door moments after I had closed my eyes. I then relaxed.

"What are we? What am I?" I asked and he stared at me as though I had asked the obvious.

"My girlfriend, if you'll have me that is?" He asked and I smiled before hugging him.

"I'll have you" I told him and he moved in for a long and passionate kiss before he spoke again.

"And I love you, I did from the very first day I met you" he stated and I almost stopped breathing, was this a dream or did Leon really say that? Well he was human after all so it wasn't impossible but I was still shocked.

He wasn't the one to show emotions or express his feelings so again I was shocked. He then moved between my legs his erection pressing through his pants slightly.

His lips were now giving my other breast attention while his finger entered my wet core. I arched my back as that one finger became two urging me to move in for more. My hips turned as his fingers moved inside me and I pressed my lips to his neck.

I moaned as he kissed my stomach gently, his fingers continuing to work magic on my lower area. I parted my legs more as I felt my orgasm approaching. My breathing became heavy as he was standing once more with his lips pressed to mine as I came on his hand.

He then removed his fingers staring down at me with semi opened eyes, the look of arousal.

His zipper went down and he slipped on a condom before bringing my hand to meet his stiff manhood. I bit my lip,he was hard as a rock making me wonder if I could really take what he had to offer.

I then became nervous as I looked up at Leon from under my lashes before asking the question swimming inside me.

So I didn't ask, I knelt before him and his eyes widened when I took him into my mouth. I too was shocked if I must admit.

"Claire what..." I then cut him off as I massage him while I tasted him.His breathing became heavy and his hand fist my hair my tongue circled him.

When he could no longer take my torture I was thrown around his waist and pressed against the wall as he sunk himself inside me.

I yelled as pain came to the surface and he pressed his lips to mine immediately as he began thrusting. My screams died slowly as pain now became pleasure and I moved my body against his.


I hadn't even known I had fallen asleep until I woke up next to Leon who had his eyes open as he stared at the ceiling.

"You pasted out somewhat" he state as he continued staring above us and I moved closer to him. We were both dressed as we laid on a old mattress.

"I missed my life before this, you know our normal lives" I state as I too stared at the ceiling.

"We would have never met" he highlighted.

"Well that's true but don't you miss walking without the fear of being eaten?" I asked.

"We all miss our previous lives but learning to improvise is the best we can do" he told me as he shift slightly and the very brush of his skin against my own felt electric.

I felt aroused again, is that bad? Sex never really mattered to me so why was I feeling his way? Why was he so different ?

I then looked to see Leon staring down at me.

"You should get some rest" he told me and I saddened.

"Yeah, good night" I state as I closed my eyes, slowly fell asleep.

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