Chapter Three- The missing piece of the puzzle

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Dedicated to @Celamullingz2

Claire's POV

"What's your name honey?" I asked the little girl who held onto me as though her life depended on it. Or maybe it did. The air was pungent and impure, my eyes just as sharp as my ear.

"Zara" she stated softly and out of nowhere came two zombies approaching us as though they had just spotted dinner.

I frowned, my weapon raised.

The girl scream and I held her arm firmly. I shot both zombies before looking to Zara.

"You have to stay as close to me as possible okay, they can appear out of nowhere and it only takes one bite" I warned and she nodded. That's when the headlights of a fast approaching car came in my field of vision.

I the shove Zara as far from its path as possible before everything went white.


"Claire?" It was a female's voice but I still could not see anything as everything was a blur. I squinted my eyes as my body ached everywhere and I felt slightly numb.

There was no reason to question it. That car hit me and the woman that spoke must be the one driving.

"Is she still breathing?" Came a masculine voice and all that went throughout my mind was where is little Zara. If anything happened to her I would never forgiven myself.

I promised that child safety.

"Zara!" I yelled as I hopped off the bed by swinging my legs over each other. My vision adjusted slowly and I grabbed the closest thing to me and pointed it in defense.

"She is safe, Claire please -" I turned to glare at the woman who placed her gun down on the chest of drawers next to her. The gesture meant she had no intention of hurting me but I wasn't letting my guard down just yet.

I kept my weapon raised.

"How do you know my name?" I hissed as I kept my broom stick pointed at her. Random people don't just know your name right ?

The last time I checked I didn't wear a name tag.

"Because I told her" came that masculine voice again and I turned to look at the black hair man standing behind me. Every part of my body froze.

Those eyes, the eyes I would always find comfort in when I felt afraid. Both the broom and my mouth fell. This had to be a dream because I had not seen this man for so long. 

This could not have been real.

"Chr- Chris?" I asked and he nodded slowly as I stuttered to say his name. I mean who wouldn't? I thought I had lost my older  brother in the tragedy that started this whole mess.

I speant years searching for him.

"But, I don't understand...I was told you were killed. I hoped to find you but they said..." I stated finally finding my words on brinks of tears.

"They said you were dead" I cried as if I were a child again. Reading his journal on that cruel night was the very worst thing for me.

"The same was mentioned about you when I tried to find you. I was told no one survived the Raccoon City disaster. I guess it was a way to keep us away from each other..." he told me and I ran to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

My brother was here, he was really here after years of searching. For all these years I was forced to accept a lie that he had died in the tragedy. However he didn't, he was alive this whole time and it took another outbreak for me to find him.

He was right here in my arms.

"Please tell me this is real" I asked and he hugged me tightly, his lips on my forehead. That was until a throat was cleared. We then turned to face the brunette woman who gave Chris a glare.

"Oh, how could I forget to introduce you two?" Chris stated with a slight chuckle as he scratched his black hair. I blinked.

"Well then Christopher Columbus" she remarked with an eye roll, her fist on her hip.

"Claire Redfield this is Jill Valentine my fiancee and Jill this is my little sister, Claire Redfield" he stated and my eyes widened.

"Jill Valentine... As in the Jill Valentine who went missing with you on that case back in Raccoon city?" I asked and they both nod.

Well that was a nice romance story. Something good actually came from that disaster.

"Yep. The one and only. Nice to meet you" she replied with a soft smile and I smiled as well.

"Could you give us a moment?" I asked politely and she smiled.

"Why wouldn't I... You guys have a lot to catch upon. I'll go see how little Zara is doing" she stated with a smile before leaving the room. As soon as she was out of ear shot I turned to Chris who looked at me oddly.

"Okay playboy... How did you manage to pull that one off!!!" I teased and he chuckled knowing I was referring to how he manage to get a hottie like Jill.

"Well maybe umbrella did a good thing after all because I've always had a crush on Jill. That case kinda got us together by turning into a disaster. Now here we are" he stated and I winked. 

Likewise it was because of that tragedy  Leon and I became friends.
Speaking of which, when was the last time I heard from government agent Leon S Kennedy? Such good friends we were...

"Okay enough of that kiddo... We still have a situation at hand" he staete as he rubbed my hair or messed it up like he always did when we were kids.

We made our way to where Jill and Zara were. Zara smiled as soon as she saw me, her face stuffed with food.

"Are you better now Claire?" She asked and I smiled at how sweet she was. I stopped next to her stealing piece of her sausage and bread.

"Yes I'm quite well now. Want to hear a secret?" I asked and she nodded excitedly.

"See that guy there ...he's my older brother " I told her.

"I wish I had a brother" she statee and I hugged her.

If I had the ability I would have brought her pa back...however I couldn't. All I could do was take care of her and get her out of this hell hole created by umbrella.

So Chris and Jill joins the journey guys. The book is based on the resident evil characters and the concept of the Umbrella Cooperation.

By the way Zara is my character ;)

Vote and comment guys it is really appreciated😘😘😘😚😚😚


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