Chapter Eighteen- Something more

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Claire's POV

It wasn't supposed to turn to this...this feeling was the last thing I was expecting. If what happened between Leon and I was a mistake and we were supposed to both move on, why the hell did I find it hard to move on?

Why did everything that happened between us and the flashbacks of that moment appear so often and made my chest burnt? Shouldn't I have forgotten this already?

Oh, that's it, maybe I would have forgotten all this if I hadn't known of Ada and her slight chemistry with Leon. Jealousy was such a strong emotion and it hurt.

To I say I felt bad would be a small word to describe how I felt. After my confrontation with Ada I had become strangely quiet.

"Claire?" At Jill's voice I almost sprang up out of my own skin. I swallowed.

"Yes?" I asked barely recognizing my own voice.

"Why are doing here, aren't you hungry?" She asked eyeing me as I paid my gun attention. I was sad but I couldn't let that out to Jill. I had to pretend.

"Just preparing for the worst I'll be there soon" I told her and she gave me a partially startled face.

"Claire we are all shaken up by this but you can't be paranoid honey. You need to eat" she state and I faked a smile.

"I guess Chris is sorta rubbing off on me" I state with a wink and she chuckled. I then stood, cracking my stiff back before following Jill to where the others were.


After eating my meal I went back to preparing my weapons. Truth is we weren't bless with the best of luck ever since this break out. Something could spring out of no where in no time.

Being paranoid could be good right?

"Claire?" I almost shot myself at the how fast my name was uttered as though I did something. Then again, did I?

"You need to get a better voice Leon, seriously" I state as I continued to focus on what my gun required.

"Why are you even up here alone, spiders could be up here you know and not our regular spiders" he remarked as he sat next to me. If any creepy crawly was supposed to get me it would have gotten me already.

"Wouldn't it gave attacked me by now ?" I asked which sounded more like hissing to me and he only eyed me.

Silence followed...

Until I broke it of course.

"Okay who sent you up here to give me life advise, Jill, Chris? Both?" I asked and Leon made a face I couldn't quite describe.

"No one sent me Claire why are you  behaving like this? Your acting strange, why?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Like what Leon?" I remark looking at him for the first time he got here. I was perfectly fine to me.

"What have I done to you? What have we done to you?" He asked and I stood.

"What have you done? You speak as if you don't know" I remarked as I gestured with my hands.

"Maybe because I don't know Claire" he state with a slightly twisted face.

"Okay do us both a favour and forget it Kennedy" I state as I grabbed my gun and tried to move past Leon but to my surprise he took the gun from me along with its part and threw it else where.

I stared at the gun for minutes in shock before turning to look at Leon who was staring down at me.

"What have I done Claire?" He asked again and I crossed my arms. He really wasn't gonna let this go.

"You tell me genius, you always figure things out so go ahead and give this a shot" I hissed as I tried to get by him but he blocked my every movement.

"Why not toy with your Asian girlfriend a leave me the alone" I fumed as I shoved him but he caught my wrists before I could withdrew my hands.

"You're jealous, jealousy is what this is all about?" He asked and my eyes widened. Was I angry that he knew or angry that it took him so long to figure it out? I really didn't know...

"I'm not jealous of anything I'd just like to be left alone" I state trying to pry myself free from his vice grip hold. He then gave me a stare and I was silent. He knew the truth, I was jealous of her and I did feel something more towards him.

Our line of friendship was already crossed...we both knew it. I stared at the floor.

In no time I was resting on a wooden table with Leon standing between my legs as he kissed me as though it was the last time we would see each other. I part my lips accepting his hungry tongue as the kiss deepened.

I found myself crying and as soon as Leon's hand came in contact with my tears Leon moved back staring at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked apparently confused.

"No, you did everything right. I was wrong to fall in love with you knowing you'll never love me the way I love you " I told him as I dried my eyes.

"You are in love with me?" He asked and I stared up into his grey eyes. I nod.

"I've loved you from the day I met you but you're a cop, what would you possibly want with a collage girl?" I asked.

"You were here all along and it took me all this time to see it..." He state as he hugged me so my wet face rested on his chest as he ran his hand throughout my red hair. Realization, it was evident in the way he spoke.

Hello...sorry for the late update but do to unseen circumstances I wasn't able to publish. Anyhow I'm back...enjoy!!!!!

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