Chapter Twenty -Natural Disaster

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Claire's POV

I woke up to feel the entire place shaking, various objects falling. I then sat up immediately looking to see Leon sleeping next to me.

I shook him, "Earthquake! Earthquake!" I yelled and Leon was up with a confused face.

"What?" He asked as he ran his hand through his messy hair.

"The fucking place is shaking!" I state as I ran around like an headless chicken.

"This isn't an earthquake Claire, something is moving to the surface" he state as he stood, taking my hand as he made his way towards the others.

"Is this everyone?" Chris asked as we all took cover under a huge table.

"Yes this all of us" Ada stated and Jill rolled her eyes.

"What would you know and you just got here?" she remarked.

"Guys please...this is the last thing we need" Chris state and a loud roar had us looking everywhere we could see.

"What's that?" Jill asked.

"Aren't we all here how would we know?" Ada hissed as she cranked up her gun.

"Um guys..." I began and all eyes followed my hand to see what I was pointing at. Chris and Ada swore while everyone else stared wide eyed. Above us was a three headed snake (or was that a worm) and a depleted roof.

"On!" Chris stated and we all did just that, Leon taking my hand in his as we ran towards the exit.

"Shit! Its jammed!!!"  Chris yelled as he and Leon pressed their bodies against the door try to get it open.

"Guys hurry" Jill panicked and Chris made a face.

"I'm doing my best woman" he hissed and before Jill could reply to that Ada stepped forward.

"Stand aside" she state as she pulled a grenade by the door and everyone took cover. There was now a way of escape and we all made our way out running into the outside madness.

"Whatever you all do don't stop" Chris warned as he held on to an upset Jill.

"Wasn't planning to pretty boy" Ada state as she shot anything that tried to approach her.

We all were doing fine when I heard a female scream and I stopped, Leon's hand no longer holding me. He swore under his breath as he too stopped.

"Claire there's nothing we can do come on!" He state pulling me but I flashed free.

"Someone need our help!" I yelled and he grabbed me from behind.

"He building is on fire Claire, there is nothing we can do!" I yelled and I threw my head back against his forehead causing him to release me immediately. I then ran inside the house without thinking of how I'd get out.

"Where are you?" I asked as while choking on the smoke present in the air. I then looked to see a coughing blonde approaching me and both our eyes widened taking me to when I met her years ago.

"Sherry?"I asked still trying to process if it really sixteen year sherry looking at me.

"Claire?" She asked as though she had seen a ghost.

"We have to get out of here, come on"I state as we ran towards the attic making our way to the roof of the house. There a way down but only for one as after climbing down on that later it was no longer of use as the board was weak. Sherry and I exchanged looks.

"Go" I told her.

"No, you came to save me I won't leave you here Claire" she state.

"Go Sherry, I'll find a way down" I lied and she hesitantly followed my orders , the ladder bring of no use when she took her last step.

"Claire! Jump!!!" I then look to see Leon screaming from one of the windows of the buildings next to this one. The buildings weren't very far apart but they weren't close either, there was no way I'd make that jump. The other building was higher than this one.

"I won't make that jump, its too high!" I yelled as the elastic that was holding my hair bursted an I could feel heat behind me.

I guessed this was how it ended for me.

"Claire!" He yelled once more and I shook my head looking around for other means of escape. There must be another way.

There was none at Leon shot at me and I jumped from the roof only to scream when I realize what I had done, Leon was quick enough to grab onto one of my hands and the building behind me crumbled in flames.

He then grabbed my other hand pulling me up and throughout the window causing him to fall onto his back me landing on his chest.

I stared down at him while he stared up at me. "We have to get going" he state and I nod in agreement as I got up helping him to his feet.


We were now in the Forrest and out of breath we all stopped for air.

"A tree house, we could spend a couple days here until we are ready to move again" Chris state and Jill made a face.

"I'm not venturing into that, who knows what's up there" she remarked and Chris straighten to meet her.

"I guess yod rather find out what's down here then" she hissed and he grabbed her arm.

"Release me, does it even matter what I want?" She hissed.

"Jill, you've got to be kidding me just about now" he remarked and she shoved him.

"No I'm not Christopher!" She hissed and even though it took him minutes he forced her into the tree house and the house was secured as soon as everyone was in. The argument didn't die however.

"You don't listen!" He yelled at Jill.

"And that gives you the right to yell at me, the last time I checked I never knew my mother and my father died!" She hissed as she shoved him but to my surprise Chris grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the wall while he braced her from behind.

"Well this this had suddenly gotten smaller" Sherry stated walking off we all followed leaving those two to what fights often bring. Make up sex.

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