Chapter Nine- The release of the bio experiments

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Leon S Kennedy👆👆👆

Claire's POV

I spat dirt as I forced myself up by the palm of my hands. My entire body trembling for a reason I didn't know. All I could see was smoke and floating dust particles. The air was polluted so it was a bit difficult to brwath but I managed.

Where were the others? Did anyone get hurt?

I had no idea.

"Everybody alright? Claire? Jill? Zara? Leon? Daniel?" Came my brother's voice and slowly the dust cleared. I could see his figure a little clearer.

"I'm fine Chris!" I replied coughing slightly, checking my body for injuries in the process. The last thing I needed was a injury like the one Leon sucumbed to. He was far braver and far stronger that I was.

There was a small moan next to me and I looked to see Zara lying on her back, her body wearing various bruises.

I placed my hand beneath her back in order to easw her up slowly so she was in a sitting position. I took hold of her tiny arms. Her skin felt warm and she looked ill in my opinion.

"Claire I don't feel so well...something is moving inside me...I feel awful" she groaned and the mark on her arm caught my attention.

My eyes widened in horror.

No. Someone wouldn't be that cruel now would they?

Three red spots created by a specialized needle resided on the child's arm. My throat burnt and my vision became blurry. How could they be so cruel?

This girl was only a child, six or five years was not enough time to live. Again how could someone be so cruel?

"They have infected her with the T virus, its only a matter of time before..." I cut off Leon immediately.

This, I needed not to hear. In fact I didn't want to hear.

"Leon don't...just don't" I begged as I did not want to hear the end of this sad story. I didn't know the girl nor was she related to me in any manner but even though it was a short time there was a bond. Yes, strange as it was loosing this girl would be hard.

"Claire...what's going to happen to me?" She panicked as she stared into my eyes while I did the same. How could I tell a little angel that she was going to die in a hour or less?

"Claire...Am I going to end up like daddy?" She asked and I placed her brown hair behind her ear. I could not accept this...I just could not say the words to her.

"No, I'm ensuring that you live beyond your sweet sixteenth" I stated as I stood and she too stood holding my hand. That was what I would ensure indeed.

"How can we save her Claire?! She'll be a zombie soon..." Daniel asked and I faced him with a scowl on my face.

Now was not the time for him to be a pessimist.

"It matters not what you believe or how impossible it seems, I will save her" I stated before tearing my gaze away from Daniel.

"She has about a hour give or take right?" I asked and Leon nod at my question while he held his injured leg.

"And plenty of umbrella's men are running around, if they have the virus then they have the anti virus also..." I stated and Chris spoke up. Apparently he agreed with me on this.

"She's right. If we can find those freaks again we can save Zara's life" and just as Chris spoke Zara almost collapse but I caught her just in time.

"But its not guaranteed and it's a huge risk, those men want us dead! Have you all forgotten ?" Daniel asked bringing forth pessimism once again.

"She's getting weaker with each minute, we'll have to split up, Leon Jill and I will go get the anti virus. Daniel and Claire wait for us in there... Be careful" Chris stated pointing to a building in which we could take resident for the moment.

"There could be zombies in there...are you guys seriously considering splitting up at this point?" Daniel asked and I was really close to knocking the life out of him. He was such a coward.

"Okay that's it!" Chris hissed as he collared Daniel as shoved him against a column.

"That little girl's life is in danger and here you are, behaving like a pussy!" Christopher hissed as he shook Daniel who tried to pry free from Chris hold.

"I'm being factual!" Daniel hissed.

"By being a coward, would you rather have the girl's blood on your shoulders?" Chris hissed and I knew my brother was angry. It was a Redfield's nature to have a nasty temper.

"Our asses are just as important" Daniel stated and my head was on the verge of exploding.

"Guys that's enough, this shit won't help either!" Jill stated as she tried to pry Chris away from Daniel.

It was about time someone did that. He flashed free and to my surprise Jill collared him, her slender fingers curling in his shirt.

"Christopher I said that's enough! Leon is in no condition to tag along so he'll have to stay with Claire and Zara. We'll take Daniel instead, we have a life to save so both of you put your egos aside for once!" Jill hissed and silence took over instantly.

In no time her orders were followed.


"You might wanna stop doing that" came a voice from behind me while I toyed with the gun, spinning it on my finger idly.

"How is she?" I asked as I placed the gun down. This hurt in so many ways.

"Weak. Claire she has little or no time left" Leon stated as though he was void of emotions just like a death angel.

"I did not save her to die" I told him as my eyes became heavy. This seemed unreal because I could not accept this situation for what it was.

"We all don't want that Claire but its only minutes before..."

"She becomes a monster" I finished for him but when we heard a growl behind us and turn to face a completely different Zara, we realized it was only seconds she had left.

Not a happy ending sad to say but there goes...

See you again soon guys lots of love. Vote and comment please.

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