Chapter Twenty two- You cheated

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Claire's POV

I was going to check on Leon when Ada's voice stopped me. "Looking at you now takes me back to when we first met in Raccoon City" she stated and I stole a glance to see that she and Leon were standing quite close.

"Is that so? Not everything you say I believe Ada" Leon stated clearly and she smirked as though it was a compliment. Well maybe to her it was.

"Very amusing Kennedy but really you haven't changed" she told him once more. "In fact you're just the way I remembered you" she added.

What had I got into, chemistry was still evident here.

"I could say the same, you haven't changed much" he state as she tipped on her toes, pressing her lips to his. What shocked me was that he didn't even move, he accepted her kiss.

My eyes widened.

"Still a good kisser I see" she stated and something in my chest stung (or burnt rather), I had already had enough of this movie.

"Survivors you have been rescued you may make your way down where we'll take you to safety!!!" came a loud voice from below us and I made my way to Jill and Chris.

Help had finally come our way?

As I entered Chris place a finger to his lips and I understood immediately and kept silent. I arched a brow.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"Those are umbrella's men" Jill whispered.

"How do you know that?" I asked trying to glimpse what Jill and Chris were looking at.

"The uniform Claire, they are here to kill not rescue and just as expected someone blew our cover, Sherry followed their instructions and went out there." Chris stated.

"Shit" I swore under my breath as I removed my gun. Chris held my arm.

"Please tell me your are not considering to leave her?" I asked but before he could reply Jill spoke.

"We'll have to surrender or they'll kill her" Jill state and I nod, we had no choice in the matter. Chris was hesitant but gave in however.

"What are you guys doing? Those are umbrella's men!" Ada whisper yelled grabbing Chris before we handed ourselves over.

"They caught the girl and she's helpless what choice do we have?" Chris asked her and she swore under her breath.

"That's why we split up... Us girls will get captured to buy you guys some  time to rescue us" Jill suggested. Chris's eyes widened.

"Those men are sick who knows what they'll have you do out in that Forrest I'm not leaving four females to be abused" he whispered and Jill sighed, pressing her lips to his.

"We'll be fine now do as I say" she told him.


"Christopher please" she begged.

Leon placed a soft kiss to my cheek but before he could move away I pressed my lips to his ear.

"You cheated" I whispered, leaving him to stare at me wide eyed until he could no longer stare.


"Isn't this a rescue, why are we walking?" Sherry asked and the death soldiers kept silent. If she kept this up she's probably have us killed.

Those men hated questions and at this point she was asking too many.

"Shouldn't you guys have a van or something?" Sherry asked once more and the only female in the squad held her temples. Yep, Sherry wanted us dead alright.

"Would someone shut that bitch up?" She growled.

"Says bitch number one" Ada remarked and the woman's attention directed to Ada. Well I stand corrected, Ada would be the one to have us killed. The woman's eyes narrowed.

"Wait a second, I know you" she hissed.

"Do you really honey cause I fail to know you" Ada remarked and the woman made a face. Was Ada suicidal or what?

"You and that husband of yours almost sent this very organization up in flames" she continued and Ada yawned.

"Enough talking are you killing us or what?" Ada asked as though she was impatient to collect some sort of prize.

A golden bullet perhaps?

"Oh I have a lot in stored for you all before we kill you. Men" the witch remarked as she moved out of our view and the men holding us began smiling.

"Oh god, couldn't you have kept your mouth shut?" Jill asked as she was slammed against a tree, the man behind her palming her breast roughly. She spat on him or tried to rather.

"Hey hands off dick head" Ada yelled as rough hands slid up her thighs.

I on other hand felt like choking as a slimy tongue slid up and down my neck, raspy breathing following.

Were these men horny or what? It looks like the qualification you needed to work for umbrella was to have a sick mind.

"Please dont!" It was then I remember Sherry was here and that she'd be tortured like any other female here would be. I clenched my fist.

"Leave her out of this, she's just a girl" I begged and the bastard ripping her clothes off only smirked at me.

"Anything older than thirteen is a woman to me reds" he state slamming the girl to the ground as he straddled her from behind.

Did this man just call me reds? If eyes could have killed he would have been a dead man.

"You're all fucking sick, you guys know that" Ada hissed as she spat on the man holding her, pulled a knife from no where and slit his throat. His gun then became hers and she grabbed the female.


"Shoot and brunette bitch here dies" Ada hissed and the men pointed their guns at us, Jill Sherry and I that is. Sherry began crying.

"None of them mean nothing to me so take your best shot" she hissed. My eyes widened at Ada's comment.

"How comforting" Jill hissed as she held onto crying Sherry.

The woman elbowed Ada and broke free and that's when the crossfire began, gunshots ringing throughout the air.

"Oh god! Not happening" Sherry panicked and ran behind a rock for cover. Jill and I however didn't stop until we got ourselves a gun, killing the men who once held us captive.

"Now the question is, where is Leon and Chris?" Jill, Ada and I asked as we place our guns down and looked around.

Nothing but corpse around us.

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