Chapter Seventeen- Threatened by her?

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Claire's POV

As soon as Leon found his quiet place to think like he always did I followed him. However I didn't follow him to think. I needed to know why Jill disregarded her so much.

I needed to know exactly who she was that made her very presence unwanted...

"Something Wrong Claire?" He asked as he looked at me when I sat next to him. Well maybe there was...

"Actually that's what I came here to find out Leon" I state as I took a small sip of my whiskey.

"Go on" he state and I placed my glass down. Somehow I got the feeling he knew what this was about.

"Jill doesn't like her, why?" I asked and Leon looked at me.

"Ada?" He asked and I knew he was actually avoiding my question. We both knew I was redding to Ada so why ask?

"Other wise from her being a spy, who is she?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Actually Claire I'm still trying to figure her out myself. Its tricky when it comes to Ada because manipulation is her specialty" he told me.

"So why help her, she could just trick us into our deaths for her very own benefit" I remarked.

"Doesn't mean we allow her to die" he justified and I looked to the floor.

"You weren't hesitant to kill a child so why is she so different... She'd kill people without thinking, you said it yourself so again, why?" I asked.

"Claire Zara was..."

"I see the way you look at her Leon, its quite obvious that something went on between the both of you" I state as I took another sip of my drink.

"Claire I saved her because regardless of the things she had done to me and the feelings I have for her she's a human being, a survivor. It's my duty to save" he state.

I felt awful, I was being selfish. How could forget that unlike I who had murdered my ex boyfriend he couldn't allow Ada to die.

"Your right, gosh I'm selfish. I'm sorry" I state as I hurriedly took my whiskey and left.


As soon as I finished my drink I went to the kitchen only to  meet upon Ada.

"You could have asked me directly Honey" she state as she sipped her alcoholic beverage. I blinked.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked as I turned to face her. Ask her what exactly ?

"You wanted to know who I was so instead of asking me you went to Leon, am I right?" She asked. She was eavesdropping?

"Well I dont know you so coming up to you directly would be awkward now would it. Ada Wong is it?" I asked politely.

She nod taking another sip, her expression blank.

"Claire Redfield, now why do I get the feeling Jill thinks you shouldn't be here?" I asked, she glanced in my direction.

"I shouldn't be here, I'm a spy Claire, my job is to complete my mission and move on" she state so easily which made my face twitch.  She said that ad though it was a good thing.

"You say that with so much ease, a little selfish don't you think?" I asked.

"I'm only doing my job" was her flat reply.

"So its a matter of time before you play us?" I asked, searching her eyes.

"Claire what I'm after is beyond toying with you guys...if I was after your heads I would have gotten it without making my presence known. Good night Claire Redfield" she state placing her glass down and leaving me to wonder on her words.

What was this woman really up to?

Very short chapter but my apologies. I'll make it up guys I promise...

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