Chapter eight- Within the depth of an epidemic

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Claire's POV

I could no longer feel the ropes that were previously holding me captive. I flexed my fingers and wrist while I still and my eyes closed. I was still trying to pin point the source of my pain.

I groaned...

The burning sensation in my upper arm was what made me open my eyes so I can squint them in pain. On My upper arm laid a deep wound and the slightest movements made it stung like a bitch.

Scratch that, even if you didn't move it still stung like a bitch. I glanced at the wound only to look away swiftly. It was just as painful to look at.

I yelled at the pain, for a wound it shouldn't hurt this bad right?

"Shit!" I hissed as I tore the end of my grey blouse to make a bandage. I strapped my arm as tight as possible between screams and pants.

Why me?

It was after I had finished taking care if my arm I had realize that I was straddling another body beneath me.


He had his eyes closed and that was enough dot me to panic like any freaked out person. He was breathing luckily but still, he was stiff as a board.

"Leon, can you hear me?" I asked as I shook him slightly.

No response...

"Kennedy!" I state as I tried again to gain some sort of response.

None gained.

"Uh, fuck. My head!!" I then look to see Daniel easing up, his hands still bounded.

"Get over here, he's not responding" I told Daniel and for the first time he didn't argue and follow my instructions. He scanned Leon's unconscious frame and I scanned his face as he did so.

"Oh shit, his leg!" Daniel exclaimed and my eyes followed what he was pointing at. My eyes widen as a sharp metal was visible in Leon's left leg and he was losing blood rapidly.

Just as I was about to pull the metal out Daniel gripped my arm firmly. I stared at him.

"Well he can't walk around with a huge metal in his leg" I pointed out what I failed to realize was that Daniel had a better point.

"And if we aren't careful he may never walk again, we have to remove that thing as careful as possible. Now I need you to be prepared for when he wakes up and keep him calm. Can you do that Claire?" Daniel asked and I nod.

Daniel examined the leg briefly and I felt nervous even though I wasn't the one who was going to perform the critical task. He started slowly and Leon's eyes flew open but I was quick to hold him down.

"It hurts but you've gotta stay still" I told him and he threw his head back as he swore under his breath.

"What is it Claire? What's in my leg?" He asked as he tried to look at the leg but I blocked him, my hands keeping him in a fixed position.

"Its minor, now cooperate please" I pleaded and he gripped my arms in a vice grip moving me aside in one swift movement. His eyes became orbs upon seeing his leg.


He swore again before casting his gaze to me.

"Next time don't lie to me, that's everything but minor" he state as he groaned and Daniel made a short pull of the metal.

"I had to lie to you Leon, one sudden movement and everything could go wrong" I explained and he panted as Daniel made the final pull. It was evident that the pain was great based on his facial expressions but he would not scream or make any sound in particular.

And here I was crying over a wound that would be considered minor in contrast to his.

"Even if I have one leg Claire..." He began before pausing to pant, "you tell me" he continued.

I nod knowing that I was not that brave to say; hey Leon, you have one leg.

"I need something to wrap his leg" came Daniel's voice and I took off my blouse only to leave me in my black merino. I handed the blouse to Daniel immediately and in no time Leon's leg was taken care off.

"The others were ahead of us and the explosion was from ahead, they can't be too far off" Leon state as he was the last one to exit the jeep with my assistance. He ambled in pain...

"There they are!" Daniel stated pointing to the jeep in the distance. The vehicle was upside down just like ours and what puzzled me is it was as though umbrella's men had disappeared.

Let's hope the others were okay...

"The vehicle is leaking gasoline, we have to get them out and fast" I state as I ran to the jeep and Daniel copied my movement. However to our bad luck the door was closed and couldn't not be open.

"Stand aside" Leon state and Daniel and I did just that as Leon sprayed a liquid onto the vehicle which created a hole in the jeep.

Was that acid?

"What's that if I may ask?" I questioned as I watched as the remaining liquid dried completely before entering the vehicle to pull Zara out.

She coughed uncontrollably apparently the scent of the gasoline hitting her lungs. I too coughed as I handed her to Daniel.

"Something I borrowed from the government" was all Leon gave me but who was I to question anything? It did what it was supposed to right?

"Ugh, what's going on?" Jill mumbled as she sat up and I pulled her up by the arm. Now wasn't the time for a conversation.

"No time to explain we haven't got much time" I told her as I hurried to get her out the vehicle and Daniel finished pulling her out.

"Claire..." I then pulled my brother by the arm only to smell smoke as we both made our way out. We both coughed...

Chris's eyes became orbs as smoke rose. Not good, this could not me good.

"Run!!!" Chris and I exclaimed and we all did just that. Daniel and Jill aided Leon while I ran with Zara and my brother.

Then the greatest heat and impact came and we were all shoved violently onto our stomachs.

*Suspense music*

What will happen next guys? Where will the thirst for survival take these guys?

Read to find out ;-)

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