Chater Twenty Seven- Double Coincidence

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Claire's pov

"Well, I'm just happy that this phase will soon be over. I mean what is this? Eating healthy sucks" Jill stated as she toyed with her food.

Likewise I did the same. Eating in the right proportions (mostly veges) really, really sucked. I felt like an obese woman trying to loose weight.

"Well, I found fast food and chocolate boxes in the trash this morning. How many times must I tell you all its not healthy. Females never listen" Chris stated as he gave Sherry a look. The girl lived on these things, however this time it wasn't Sherry.

Mentally my eyes went wide, physically they remained intact. There was no way I'm going to allow my brother to know my dirty secrets.

By the way, hadnt I gotten rid of the evidence? Usually I disposed of those so carefully even the FBI wouldn't be able to recover them.

"Why am I being picked on?" Sherry frowned, chewing her food gently. He then looked to Jill.

Jill looked behind her and Sherry and I laughed. "You must be trippin' " she remarked as she glanced behind her once more.

"Okay nice one J, we spoke about this. Eating healthy is a priority" Christopher stated. She made a face.

"Are you being serious right now! I have been eating healthy, so damn healthy as a matter of fact. Damn I even gave up the wine. Chris you know I'm addicted to wine" Jill stated and a horrible pain stretched from my abdomen to my back.

Ouch? That expression won't even cover it.

My eyes widened, me holding my stomach as the sound of liquid falling to the floor took over Jill and Chris's conversation.

Everybody froze...

They faced me with wide eyes and I stared back at them with wide eyes. "Claire?" Chris asked seeing my pained face.

"I'm fine" I lied as I tried to ease up but failed. Again, ouch won't cover it.

"Claire fine doesn't define the way you look right now" Chris told me.

"I think my water just broke, it's nothing major." I annonce and at that statement everyone shot up from their positions at the dining table.

"Nothing major?! Claire have you lost your mind?!" Jill exclaimed. Yes, prehaps I had, with all this pain who wouldn't?

"Sherry call the ambulance!" Chris instructed and Jill made a painful face, holding her stomach.

"On it!" Sherry announced as she ran towards the kitchen.

"Oh god...I think I'm next" Jill stated as she sat down and Chris looked between Jill and I with confused eyes.

Poor fellow...

"Next for what?" Chris asked even though he knew it was the answer that he feared the most.

"To go into the house of candy and chocolate. What the hell do you think Chris?" Jill yelled in irritation.

"The ambulance is on their way" Sherry anounced and Chris held his head in frustration.

"Lets hope they have room for two" he remarked and Sherry blue eyes fell on my brother.


I woke up in sweat and dim lighting. Right after giving birth I had passed out. I hadn't even looked at my baby.

A nurse stumbled into the room, slamming the door shut as she held her wounded hip.

"Why on earth would doctor Fraser bite me like some damn canibal. I bet this is some damn prank" she stated. I recognized her, she was one of the nurses present when I gave birth.

My eyes widened in horror. My baby! I had to get my baby out of here!!

As soon as I hopped from my present position on the bed the nurse tried to get me to lie down. I tried to free my arms.

"You don't understand I need to get my baby!" I yelled and the woman insisted.

"It is just a prank, your baby will be okay"  she stated and I felt tears. I had already lost Leon, there was no way I would loose my baby too.

My world shook...

That's when the eyes of my brother greeted me. "Relax, it is only a dream Claire" he told me and I hugged him, messing his shirt up with my wet face.

It was? It felt almost real. "I came to collect you, you have been discharged. Let's get your son" Chris stated as he took my hand.

After getting out of the hospital clothes and into orginal clothing we heading to collect my baby. As soon as I entered the room I was not able to move.

It's as though I had became fixed, conversing with the doctor who was writing up something was Leon. I swallowed as soon as our eyes met.

"Surprise, Jill and I are heading home, she needs to rest" Chris stated as he pat my shoulder. He then looked to Leon.

"Take care of her" my brother warned and Leon gave a firm nodd. As soon as Chris left the doctor spoke.

"Okay miss Redfeild I will require your signature" he told me and I took the data pad and pen with shakey hands.

I scanned the paper, Leon had already signed ? I blinked, signing the certificate after a few moments.

"Okay, Now have you guys decided on the name of the child?" The doctor asked and Leon looked at me. I scratched my messy hair.

"Um well I...I um...I don't know. How is it you are even here?" I asked Leon.

"I did tell you I would find you...even if it took a while" Leon replied calmly. How could he even be calm about this, everyone thought he had died!!!

"Make him a junior" I told the doctor as I rubbed my temples. All this could really make a woman's head hurt.

As soon as we collected the baby and were now walking towards of the hospital exit Leon decided to speak.

"Would you like to come with me or would you rather I take you home?" He asked and I stared up at him.

Didn't he see that I was still in shock?

So Leon is back guys :) How did you guys like that chapter?

See you next time 😄😄😄😄

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