Chapter four- Night one

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Claire's POV

It was after I put Zara to bed I decided to get some rest for the night, if it were up to the little angel I would be up all night. My rest was intensely needed and I was going to get it. Well, I tried to get some sleep at least.

The day had been hectic and my body cried for sleep, every bone and muscle within me begged for it. This was Raccoon all over again and that night I could not afford sleep. I stared at the wall as reflected on what could be considered the worst night of my life.

For safety we ensured that no one person was in any room of this house at any point in time. Zara and I were in one room while Chris and Jill were in another. That way it would lessen the chance of anything happening to us.

What was the plan? Well that was quite simple, to get the hell out of this town.

Only to run again subconscious slurred and I sadden knowing that it was true. Ever since Raccoon City all I ever did was run. Running was all I knew but what choice did we have?

We had to run in order to survive.

Sleep was something I was far from as all I could think of was the awful growls and cries of agony I could hear clearly. Knowing this house was in the midst of zombies wasn't comforting to sleep on either.

What if they broke in on us?

When would this nightmare end?

When would we really stop running and get on with our lives? Next to never I could assume.

My entire body jerked when someone screamed for help. In an instant I was on my feet with my knife in my hand. Yes you heard knife and not a gun.

Why was that so?

Well my brother took my gun away from me saying it was not lady like to possess a gun much less fire it. Yeah right, as if anything else about me was lady like. I was a tomboy, a girl capable of handling herself but my brother will always be overprotective.

In his eyes I was a princess who should remain in a castle with her hands untouched.

I saw no big deal in a girl using a gun, infact Jill used a gun and she used it darn well. When I did point a finger at Jill however his excuse was that she was 'experienced' and knew how to handle a weapon.

Brothers ! I too knew how to handle a gun, knowing my way around a gun was the very reason I survived the Raccoon City tragedy.

I was doing it for years. From nineteen years old with that disaster upon this point in my life. With this pandemic there wasn't anything else required but to know how to use every weapon there were.

"Claire! Zara are you two okay?" I looked to Chris who ran in first, Jill following after, almost slamming into Chris. I held a terrified Zara against my Hip and nodded in order to gesture that we were okay.

"That cry didn't come from us" I told him in a firm tone Chris and Jill arched a brow.

"That means there is a survivor outside!" Jill exclaimed and Chris had to hold her arm in a vice grip or she would have ran into an oblivion.

"You are not going out there alone Jill! The last time we separated I almost lost you" He stated strictly and even though it was slightly romantic now was not the time for romance.

"That person needs help Christopher and the longer we stay here and argue the less time they have!" She yelled as she tore free from his hold and ran off.

Stubborn much?

"Shit! Both of you stay here!" Chris stated as he threw a shot gun to me which I caught. Well now he thought I could use a gun huh?

How ironic? He ran after Jill.


Time went by and I still awaited their return. It had been over two hours since they left and now I was worried. My face did not show it but my insides burned as I stared at nothing.

"They are coming back right?" Zara asked and I looked to the little brunette. Well now I was worrying even more but for the sake of Zara I had to keep my face strict.

"They have to come back...I can't afford to loose my brother again and his soon to be wife at that" I remarked as I stared at the shotgun in my hand.

"Loose him again, what do you mean Claire?" She asked me apparently not familiar with what I meant.

"Ever heard of what happened in Raccoon City?" I asked and she nodded with innocent eyes.

"Well there was more to everything than the claim that the city self destruct. Everything that is happening now began there. One experiment gone bad gives us all this. I went there in search of my brother who was a cop there at the time. I never found him and when the city was destroyed I assumed the worse...I thought I had lost Chris forever" I told her as my throat felt hollow.

I could remember that night as if it was yesterday.

"But Pa said that the city explode..." she stated.

"That is what they want people to believe honey. When those bad people realize they could no longer control what was happening, that is the monsters they created, they destroyed the entire city." I continued and her eyes widened.

"No one survived?" She asked and I shook my head.

"A few survived...I am one of them" I told her.

"You survived?" She asked apparently shocked at her new found discovery.

"Yes, so did Chris and Jill" I told her and her eyes remained wide only for her saddened. I gazed at her with utmost concern.

"My mom wasn't so lucky...she worked in a dinner in the had been Pa and I ever since" she stated and I sadden. I then kissed her hair, no child should ever face such a horror.

"Those bad people will pay for what they did...I promise you that" I told her. However I was on my feet as soon as I heard footsteps approaching. Having my gun raised I placed Zara behind me.

"Wait! Don't shoot, I'm human...Claire?" I then froze, my eyes wide and my gun still raised.

"Daniel?" I asked, sour memories filling me. Out of all the possibilities why this?

Another chapter for my wonderful readers ! How was it?

So Claire's ex is now in the picture, how will things go guys? Will the two forget the past and get along or him showing up made matters worst?

Vote and comment and comment please ☺😊☺😊☺😊☺😊☺

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