Chapter Thirteen- In the midst of separation

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Claire's POV

I woke up to dim lightning and deadly silence. I was unable to tell if my body was still intact due to how numb I felt. I knew the room was bright, it was the pain that caused my eyes to flutter. 

Was I dead or alive? 

The last time I checked I was thrown off a balcony by a creature that held no mercy. Actually, I doubt if the thing had a brain or knew how to use a brain.

I sat up and looked around the room only to feel arms urging me to take on my previous position. Was this a new design for the underworld? Were you orientated upon entry?

"That was still a harsh fall although there aren't any visible injuries for me to judge your condition. You should rest" came Leon's voice and I looked around the room.

Where were we?

Was he dead too? Why had he requested that I rest, is it possible for people to rest in death?

"Where are we?" I asked as I still force and sat up scanning the room
with narrowed eyes.

"We are in a warehouse, the best alternative at the time" he replied as he handed me a cup of coffee and food I presume he made himself.

"Chris and Jill... Where are they?" I asked and Leon took a sip of his coffee before looking in my direction. It was quite strange as to why they were so quiet.

My brother had over a thousand voices in one body. He was something you could not miss. The volume of his voice had a tendency to triple when he was upset.

"We got separated... The signal is currently poor so we won't be in touch with them for a good while. There should be signal once we get out of this area but that's a days process" he told me and I saddened.

Go figure. No wonder I didn't hear them, those two were never the ones to keep quiet. My brother would have made it his duty to check up on me constantly.

Again Chris and I are separated from each other. Just great.

"A days process" I repeated sadly before taking a small bite of my meal. For all I know a days process could mean forever.

"Maybe weeks" he added and I gave him a look of washed up disappointment. That helped in no shape or form. Why in hell's name did we split up to begin with?

"What really happened back there?"  I asked but the real question was whether Daniel was really there or not. I was loosing my mind and Leon was in the midst of it.

"You were hallucinating. Claire you cannot feel guilty for something you didnot do on purpose" he tried to comfort me but at the end of the day I still had him killed. Whether it was done on purpose or not I was the reason Daniel was no longer here and I had to live with that.

I had taken a life.

"He's still dead Leon and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. You said it yourself Leon, I could have avoided stabbing him so viciously" I stated as I placed the food down and he did the same before moving closer.

That made me feel a bit strange but I said nothing.

"It was self defense, I was wrong for what I said to you " he stated as he had his strict gaze fixed to me.

"You said it yourself Leon, killing him could have been avoided so I will not accept that. I stabbed his and now he's dead" I stated and he was silent before he spoke.

"Again it was the wrong thing to say to you after I saw what happened...for Pete's sake Claire he could have raped and likely hurt you. You had no choice in the situation" he stated and I hopped to my feet, my arms crossed.

"And that makes me feel so much better Leon! I killed him and I should celebrate with a smile!!!" I hissed and Leon covered his face momentarily before looking at me.

"You are missing the point Claire" he stated as if I should know how to fit this puzzle together. Missing what exactly?

"You don't get the nightmares Leon, I do. You don't become the lunatic either, I will never forgive myself for this. To push things further I failed to protect Zara" I hissed and before I could continue to rant he pulled me closer into a tight embrace.

"Stop blaming yourself for their deaths Claire, you and I both know those were circumstances beyond our control. Zara became infected and Daniel would have probably killed you if you hadn't got him first" he told me as I swallowed my urge to cry.

Why was my life a living hell? Why bad luck always swung my way? Silence fell on our shoulders instantly and I felt safe. For once in my life I felt secure and it wasn't the fact that this warehouse shield us from those creatures.

It was the way Leon held me that made me feel safe. I looked up at him to see that he was already staring down at me, his face expression blank which leaves me to wonder. How I wished I could know what he was thinking sometimes.

I bit my lower lip.

His next move surprised me, as his face neared my own and our lips grazed but did not touch. It was as though he was asking permission and the look in my eyes granted him such permission. Tue crush I had on this guy was surprisingly still there.

My hands caressed his face as our kiss deepened, his tongue roaming my hungry mouth. With all that action he had not laid a finger on my body, instead his hands resided in mid air. My eyes closed and I smiled beneath the kiss, he was something else wasn't he?

"Um...well" we then froze at the sound of Jill's voice. I spun around in an instant and Chris scratched his hair before speaking.

"We were close by, we saw when Leon brought you here" he stated as he kept his gaze fixed to the floor.

This was awkward for my brother. In his eyes I was a six year old who would always need his protection. Six year olds do not kiss now do they?

"This is not what it looks like" I clarified like a child caught with drugs and two pair of eyes met my gaze instantly.

Ooooooooooh... Things just got intense guys...what are your predictions on the next chapter guys? Share those opinions guys ;)

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Thanks in advance :)

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