Chapter Ten- Guilt

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Claire Redfield👆👆👆

Claire's POV

I froze. Every muscle my body contained ceased function in that moment. It was as though all that was happening wasn't real.

"Claire She's no longer herself, you are aware of what we must do" Leon stated as he stepped before me his gun pointed at Zara. I held his hand as I shook my head.

He could not let that trigger go off while I stood here.

"Please..." I begged as I could not bare the thought of what had to happen next.

"Claire you are being irrational, she no longer..." He told me.

"Leon please..." I begged but he didn't even spare me a glance.

The shot was fired and all I could feel the vibration of the gun in my hands while I still held onto Leon's arm.


I fell to my knees staring at Zara's stiff and bleeding frame. Did it really have to end this way?

"It had to be this way Claire, she was a likely threat and a possibile channel of infection. Zara was long gone...that  was a brainless cannibal" Leon stated and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I promised that girl so much...I told her she would live beyond her sweet sixteen" I stated through my teeth.

"Claire, Leon? Where is Zara?" Came Chris's voice and when he came next to me he froze. His eyes remained on Zara's stiff frame while Jill gasped covering her mouth.

"I've failed" I stated as I took a nearby cloth to cover Zara's frame.

"No I've failed Claire" Chris corrected and I left the room. No body failed to save that girl's life more than I did.


The next morning came slowly as I had not slept. In fact I stayed up and watch every second, minute and hour that passed. The image of lifeless Zara because I failed replaying with each minute that passed.

"You can't feel guilty for what you did not do Claire...I was the one who shot her" I turned to see Leon leaning against my closed door. Apparently he had just entered the room.

"But I did watch you kill her" I told him and he took a seat next to me.

"She was going to kill or infect you Claire. I knew you wouldn't put a bullet to that child's head even if it would cost your own life Claire. I couldn't allow you to..." He the stopped himself and that's when it hit me. Maybe I was being a ungrateful about this.

"Thank you" I whispered so lowly that it was hard for me to recognize my own voice. Leon glared at me with his brow arched.

Did I say something alien?

"I'm not asking for you to thank me for shooting the girl Claire...I want you to face reality. Not thank me" he corrected and my blue eyes bored into him.

"You spared my life didn't you?" I asked rhetorically and he nodded moments after. Our gaze lengthen and without realization my eyes fell to his lips.

I wasn't the girl who made the first move but I didn't even realize I was doing it until his tongue entered my mouth and my hands clutched his biceps. I was surprised he didn't stop me, instead as he did was allow his tongue to explore my mouth. I part my lips even wider, his hand caressing my cheek as he pulled me closer.

I broke the kiss, my eyes wide as the universe when realization hit me.

Had I lost my mind?

"Leon I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me! One minute I'm talking the next I'm..." And then there was silence when his hand covered mine gently.

"I understand" was all he said instead of hissing at me.

"You haven't slept so get some rest" he stated and I nod. I could at least try to sleep.


I woke around midnight and it wasn't a shock to me as I was that tired. I yawned as I stretched my aching body. I made my way to the bathroom as I was holding my urine for hours now. I missed little Zara so much, she was a pure soul.

As soon as I entered the door clicked behind me and my mouth was covered. I was the turned to face Daniel with my mouth still covered and my back pressed against the wall. An unwanted feeling surged throught my slender frame as I stared at the man before me.

"I've tried talking Claire...I've tried but maybe this will show you how serious I am, you cannot leave me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me" he hissed and I tried biting his hand but it was as though I was biting a stone statue.

I tried shoving but that too failed and he slammed me against the wall roughly. Pain ran through me immediately and I groaned. My back would never forget that gave impact.

I tried kneeing him but I failed and he used his knee to part my
legs instead.

"A mistake, it was a fucking mistake" he hissed as his hand gripped my thigh while the other stayed fixed on my mouth.

"Fuck, I can't wait to feel you" he mumbled and his pressed his finger against me through the fabric. There was nothing that was more uncomfortable.

I shoved again only have a huge bite placed to my neck, I groaned. Why the hell won't this bastard get off me? While he ran his slimy tongue over my body I fumbled in my pocket for something to be used as a weapon.

I found a pocket knife to my luck and not wanting to use it I tried once more to shove him away from me.

With my next action I didn't think...I didn't think at all as I stabbed him in the abdomen over eight times. My eyes widened when reality sunk in and Daniel fell onto the floor bleeding.

He then curled and became stiff as a board. My eyes widened when the knife was resting not in his abdomen but in his most crucial area.

His crutch.

"Daniel?" I called on a shaky voice as I kneeled shaking his stiff frame.

No response.

"Daniel? Can you hear me?" I asked and when I received silence a drum replaced my heart. Tears came, what the hell have I done?

I gasped when the bathroom door opened and when I looked down all I could see was a corpse before me and blood on my hands.

So what's your opinion guys?

Daniel earned that or nah? Who could our witness be?

I don't know guys, read to find out 😊😊😊😊 and comment please...

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