Chapter Twenty Eight- His house

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🎶When you get caugut between the moon and New york city🎶

Claire's POV

As soon as Leon had brought me inside the house bridal style and as soon as he placed me on the sofa, he headed for the shower. I looked around, the house was quite large.

Too large for someone who lived alone. That thought made me worry, does he ever get lonely? Why was he hiding from the rest of world?

I sighed, maybe there were things I would never understand. I looked to my sleeping baby, he looked so peaceful.  It made me wonder would he be safe in this toxic world? Umbrella's virus could be anywhere and it was a matter of time before it showed again.

Kissing his forehead I decided to have a look around. I needed to take my mind off this sad reality. Why was everything about this house so gothic? So dark...

Touching the dark paint of the wall I continued to look around the house. It was a simple house and everything in the house was simple.

That's when the baby cried, causing me to over rush to him.

"Its okay I'm here Junior" I said softly as I rocked the crying child. I kissed his cheek, trying to show him that he was safe.

His crying actually became with all my efforts louder and I kissed his cheek. My poor ear drums must be damaged with all this crying (or screaming rather ).

Where babies always this loud?

Shouldn't rocking and comforting help?

"Are you sleepy? Did something scare you? Is it the dim lighting?" I asked as I continued rocking the crying baby.

More crying ...

I was good with kids so why did my very own baby hate me?

The crying persisted.Usually I'm good with children, great actually. What went wrong?

As soon as the child was no longer in my arms I looked next to me, the masculine scent of Leon filling my nostrils.

How did he get dress so quickly?

The baby went silent, his tiny hand curling around Leon's finger. I blinked as the baby smiled, yep, my son hated me alright.

"How did you know? How could you possibly know what he wanted?" I asked and Leon looked at me. Okay so maybe I was a bit jealous but wouldn't any mother be?

"I didn't" he told me and I looked down at the gray eyes of my baby.

"You think Something woke him?" I asked. Okay, damn unbelievable, how could he calm the child without knowing what's wrong?

"This area is quiet, I don't think there are any sounds to wake him" Oepn told me. Well then, what woke him? What made him reject his own mother?

"You mean to tell me that I'm going to be a bad mother. He hates me" I mumbled, not for Leon's ear but he heard however.

"I've seen you with children Claire, you are far from being a bad mother" he told my and my cheeks became warm. I didn't know he was paying thst much attention.

"I think he may be hungry" I stated as I grabbed the formula and baby bottle from my bag. I then headed for the kitchen and Leon followed me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Came Leon's voice as I prepared the formula. I turned to face him.

"Tell you what?" I asked a bit confused.

"That you were pregnant" he replied and I turned back to the island.

"I didn't know until a month after leaving zombies zone. I thought you were dead" I replied softly as I stared at the small bottle in my hand. He held my shoulder.

"I'll take care of him, you go take a shower. I think you did enough in the hospital, you need to rest." Leon told me and I handed the bottle of milk to him.


Relaxation took over as soon as I entered the shower, my hands guiding the cold water onto my body. Closing my eyes I allowed the water to run along my face.

Soaping my rag I untied my red hair, feeling its presence on my naked back. I then covered my body in soap, closing my eyes as flash backs came.

That's is the terror of Racoon city replaying in my mine. I shook the images away, washing the soap from my body.

After about 25 minutes I finally exited the shower, grabbing a white towel. This one was dry so I assumed that wasn't the one used by Leon.

It was when I had stepped out of the bathroom I realized that I had nothing to wear. I found his bedroom (after searching for it of course) only to find him sleeping. The baby too sleeping in his crib.

Wait crib? How could Leon be that prepared? I looked at Leon, wanting to ask him what must I wear but I wasn't the one who messed with people's sleep.

I surely didnt like when people messed with my sleep.

I looked around for a moment, an idea appearing. I sure hoped Leon had something that actually fit me and I hope he didn't mind me borrowing it.

Well here goes I thought as I went through his stuff as silent as possible. The T shirts would definitely not fit but since I was not going anywhere I decided to take it along with a gray boxers.

I then looked back to Leon before exiting the bedroom quietly, changing in the living area. My phone that was resting on the sofa rung as soon as I had gotten dress.

The words Chris flashing across the screen. I answered on the second ring.

"Hello" I answered as I combed my damp hair, preparing it for drying.

"How is it going? Did you make it over safely?" Chris asked, a baby crying in the background.

"Yes I did, you are so overprotective" I teased.

"I'm not...I'm just slightly concerned" he told me and I rolled my eyes playfully. Again, why were brothers like that?

"Yeah right. How is Jill?" I asked as I sat down on the sofa, Jill coming on the phone moments later.

"I am okay Claire, just a bit tired. How is your baby boy? I didn't even get to say hello" she stated.

"He's asleep just now. I wanted to at least say hi but everything happened so suddenly" I told her.

"I had twins, girls. I'm so exhausted" Jill told me, tiredness lacing her voice as she gave a small yawn. I then looked to tye digital clock on the small table before me.

11: 26 pm

"Okay glad to hear that you guys are okay. Goodnight Jill and tell my brother goodnight. See you guys tomorrow" I told her.

"Okay bye, get some rest" Jill stated before hanging up and I felt sleep taking over as I took comfort on the sofa.

A successful update. ;) how did you fond that chapter guys?

Again please note that any characters I own I will mention. Claire, Leon, Chris and Jill aren't mine.

Until I see you all again stay safe ;)

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