Chapter Twenty Three- Late rescue

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Claire's pov

Leon and Chris came to rescue us moments after. When they did, all they found was that we had already rescued ourselves as the men's corpses played evidence.

Talk about crushing someone's ego...

Chris cleared his throat, looking from the corpse to us. "I'm glad you girls can handle yourselves" he remarked but we all knew he wanted to be the one to rescue us.

"Handle, you call that handle? If we were waiting on you guys we'd be one of those bodies" Ada remark as she was the first one to walk off from the scene of corspes.

"Claire?" It was Leon's voice that had me turning to face him and by the look in his eyes he wanted us to talk.

So now we were behind the others, communicating as soft as possible. Gaining a few eyes from the others from time to time.

"You said I cheated, care to explain?" He asked and I looked at him for a moment before casting my gaze to the floor as I walk.

"Its okay really" I told him and he didn't quite take me reply. Who would when that was the reply one would give to put an issue to rest.

"Claire, I need to ...", I stopped him before he could continue.

"You're still inlove with Ada Leon. There, I said it" I told him as softly and angrily as possible.

"And why would you even think that?" He asked as he climbed over the destroyed tree after me.

Well, why would I even think such a thing? Oh yes. I saw them kissing of course.

"I saw when you kissed her" I told him as I kept my gaze on the four figures before me. Chris apparently telling Jill a joke.

"Oh shut up, I didn't sound like that" Jill remarked and Sherry laughed. Leon looked at me.

"I didn't kiss her" he replied cooly and my head snapped to him immediately. Then what the hell did I see then? Was it a figment of my imagination?

"Are you trying to say I'm seeing things Leon?" I asked as I stared at him and he did the same as we were no longer walking.

"She kissed me Claire" he corrected as though I should be happy. Whatever the scenario was their lips met.

"And that makes me feel so much better that she was the one to place her tongue in your mouth" I hissed as I walked away from him.

All men were the same...

"Instead of..." But before I could finish my argument Leon removed his gun and told me sush.

Steam rose from my ears and before I could continued walking he used his arm to stop me. I listened too, a low growling being heard the others froze also, their guns removed.

Well all but Sherry of course...

From all directions came mutated dogs with bloody mouth. I really didn't like where this was going.

"Didn't I leave all this shit in Raccoon City?" Ada hissed as she fired her two guns at once, Sherry behind her.

"We all thought the same shit until our rude awakening. Don't be surprised to see the G virus " Chris stated as he killed two dogs with one bullet.

I was about to fire when I heard someone yelled my name. I looked around to see that everyone was busy defending themselves. No one had that time.

Sherry then screamed and everyone looked in my direction with wide eyes. I tightened my grip on my gun.

Turning swiftly I raised my gun, staring up at a familiar face and familar monster.

"You just had to call the G virus upon us didn't you Christopher" Came Jill's voice and I was frozen as I stared.

" me" the monster begged and a rush of guilt filled me.

"Daniel...but I..." I then looked at Leon who was pointing at the monster, not taking his eyes from it.

"The last thing I remembered before this is being killed...umbrella's men taking me from under water right after injecting me with something...they...they did this to me" he roared and Leon and I took steps back.

"Daniel I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I told him and he stared down at me with moidt eyes. Why is it always went this way?

"No Claire...I'm sorry all I ever did was hurt you" he stated and my eyes saturated. Why was I always granted the opportunity of watching people die?

"Its a matter of time before he's no longer there, we need to leave" Leon told me and I nodded.

"Daniel" I stated softly ss he stared at me for the last time.

"Claire" he replied as Leon led me away cautiosly, firing at a few dogs and zombies.

It was when made a good distance I heard a painful roar and I allowed the tears to fall.

Another soul taken by umbrella.

An update that is long due ;( Sorry for the late update guys, got sidetracked with my other books.

Until next time ;)

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