Chapter Twenty Six- Four months later

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Claire's POV

I was jobless as no one wanted to hire a woman who was four months pregnant and would leave for maturnity leave soon.

I mean, who would? Who want to pay a woman who stays home ?

I would be jobless until I have this baby. If it weren't for Chris and Jill, Sherry and I would have been homeless due to the epidemic.It was a nightmare that had no end.

I had lost everything in the epidemic. That is, my house, my car and my job. I was only able to reclaim my documents as I had not insured my car and house.

A stupid move if you asked me...

Jill was holding my hair as I emptied my stomach into the toilet, the food I had just eaten wasn't approved by the baby. Me holding my rounded belly.

I was now four months pregnant, Jill ahead of me by two weeks. This was a routine for us,  being there for each other.

"You poor things" Chris stated as he stood by the door of the bathroom. Easing up I whiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

Did he just called us things? If only I had the strength to hit him for such a remark. I gave him a lazy look however and Jill spoke.

"Shouldn't you be off to work Husband?" Jill asked as she flushed the toilet. As soon as we got back Jill and Chris got married and they had been at this 'husband' and 'wife' thing for a while now.

"You say that as if you won't miss me wife" Christopher teased as Jill made her way towards him. I shook my head at the two, the things love did to people.

"Cause I won't, its one and I'd like to rest just about now. Well rest until the baby decides its time for me to get up that is." she stated as she stroke Chris's chin before walking by him.

After watching Jill leave he then looked to me.

"You know you can come and stay at station with me if you want. There won't be much cops in tonight" Chris suggested. I washed out my mouth looking at him.

"I'm fine at home really" I told him and he looked into my eyes. I could tell he knew I was liying instantly. Like did he have a lie detector or something?

"You have been in the house for two months now, the last time you went out was job hunting" Chris told me.

Wow, I never realized I was locked inside this house that long...

"Fine, you win" I stated as I washed my hands, putting my hair into a loose ponytail. "I'll be ready in a few" I told him as I made my way towards my room.


"Is your shift over yet?" I asked for the fifteenth time as I stared at my brother who was reading a magazine.

It seemed as though I was here for days rather than two hours. Like didn't he get bored? How could he do this for days?

He moved the magazine from his face slowly as he looked at me. Annoyance, I could see it in his eyes.

"If I knew you were this annoying I would have left your ass at home" Chris stated and I hugged him, not caring if the other officer was looking at us.

Deep down he brought me here because he cared about me. Why were brothers like that, acting as though they had no compassion towards their sister?

Was it a guy thing? Not to show emotions because girls don't care about keeping their emotions intact.

"Nah, you love my annoying ass" I teased as I pecked his cheek, taking the magazine from his hand. Chris didn't admit it, instead he steered the conversation elsewhere.

"You could have just asked" he remarked refing to the magazine and I gave a cheesy smile, turning the page.

Wow, this was magazine was actually quite informative. Women actually blinked more times than men. Interesting...

"I'm going to get something to eat, what would you like?" Chris asked me.

"Im not...", yet he insisted, cutting me off.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as though I wasnt trying to tell him not to buy me anything. I gave him a look, my finger still on the page of the magazine that I was reading.

I wasn't even hungry...

"You know I don't take no for an answer" he  stated with his arms crossed.

"You know I don't like to be a bother but you wont give up so I'll take a salad and orange juice" I told him and he grabbed his keys, looking at the other officer.

"I'm getting something to eat Dixion, would you like anything?" He asked and the middle age blond woman looked from her phone screen to him.

"A sandwhich and fries should do for me" she state as she handed him some cash.

"Soda?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Preferably grape or coke" she added.

He then made his way out and that's when the blonde spoke to me.

"Boyfriend?" She asked and I choked. Boy what? I must be going deaf.

If not going deaf there must be another man in this room because she could not be referring to my brother Chris.

"Chris...Christopher?" I asked still trying to find out what I had choked on, coughing a couple time.

"Yeah, he's a great guy. Takes the job very seriously you know" she stated.

"He's my brother" I told her and now it was her turn to choke. Her eyes widened as she gave me an appilogectic look.

"I had no idea...I'm so sorry I..." But I cut her off.

"Its okay it is understandable and that's just Christopher, he'd give his life to save anynone" I told her.

"It's a pity what he had to endure in Racoon was terrible I heard. The entire city was wiped out by the epidemic, its hard to believe that he survived that" she stated and I sadden.

"I know, I was there..." I told her.

Seeing that the ambling man was still aproaching, his eyes completely white and his lips stained with blood I swallowed. Fear took over and I took steps backwards.

Zombies only came in movies right? Seeing that he wouldn't stop until he had me I turned around only to gasp when an officer pointed a gun at me.

"Wait...dont shoot..." But before I could finish speaking he spoke.

"Get down" I stared at the cop that gestured with his head but followed his order regardless. The growling man that was stained with blood fell as soon as the shot was fired.

The cop with dirty blonde hair then looked down at me through gray eyes, reaching a hand out towards me. I took it, still shaken by my death that would have came if he hadn't shown up.

What was going on in this town, it was a real life horror flim. These things were everywhere.

After that scenario we  found a cop car, driving down the streets of the city. I had learned that the cops name was Leon Kennedy and it was his first day on the job.

We were both strangers to this city as I came here looking for my brother, me being nothing but a college student.

We got seperated as a trailer almost rammed us and the nightmare offically began when I had reach the station.

A nightmare that would never end...A nightmare that would never leave the depths of my mind.

I hope you guys liked that Chapter :) Fell free to pm me about the story as I would love to hear your feedback.

Until next time, vote and comment please ;) ;)

:) :) :)

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