Chapter Twenty Nine- 3 am

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Claire's pov

I bliked, easing up from the empty bed. The clock next to me ready 3:05 am in bright yellow digits. I thossed the covers aside as I sat up in the warm bed.

Wait bed? The last time I checked I was on the sofa. That scenario only had one answer.

Leon...He must have brought me here. The question was, where did he go?

Throwing one of my leg over the other I got off the bed as quiet as possible. The last thing I needed was a crying baby at 3 am. Wrapping my hair in a loose pony tail I exited the room.

As soon as I had exit the room I looked around, my eyes falling on the only room that had lights on. I peeked, it was a gym and Leon was seated, his hard body visible by the black merino. A cigarette rested comfortably in his mouth.

"You smoked?" I asked as if I didn't know better he almost swallowed the cigarette. He didn't however.

He looked at his watch before looking at me. "It's three am, why are you up?" He asked and I eneterd the room, crossing my arms with a smile.

"I think I should be asking the same thing" I told him and as I sat next to him.

"I'm always up" he told me and my eyes widened as I stared at him through the hair that covered his face.

Did the nightmare of Racoon city plauged his mind also? Was he paranoid like me? I didn't voice my thoughts however, instead I brought the conversation elsewhere.

"Can I try?" I asked as I looked at the cigarette in his hand. He looked at the cigarette then me.

"It's not a healthy practice" he told me as he hesitantly handed me the cigarette.

"I know" I told him as I brought it to my lips, taking a draw of its contents. I coughed, handing it back to Leon immediately.

Well I'm never trying that again. Leon stood, pulling me up as I continued coughing.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Leon took my hand.

"You need to rest. Your body requires at least eight hours sleep" he told me as we entered the bedroom quietly. I blinked, he didn't really think I would allow him to drop me off like this. Besides I didn't know the last time he slept.

"You need to rest also" I told him as I got in bed, him sitting next to me.

"I did while you took a shower...I woke sbout three hours to find you on the sofa" he told me as though it was a health rest.

"Three hours is not adequate sleep Leon" I told him , wanting to tell him to join me but not knowing how to.

His phone rang.

"Kennedy here" he answered and I heard a female's voice later.

"Agent Kennedy you are needed, there's a situation. I'll send you the coordinates" she informed  him.

"Roger" he replied calmly as he stood, ending the call. Before he could speak I spoke.

"Please take me to my brother" I stated as I took Junior from his crib carefully as him waking mean trouble.

"You could have stayed here" he told me as he dried the sweat from his body before throwing on a black jacket. I looked at him.

"I know" I replied and he gave me a puzzled face.  The visible question, then why aren't you staying?

"I don't want to" I replied and even though I didn't want it to it did came off a bit rude.


"Want to talk about it now?" Leon asked with his eyes fixed on the road. I turned my attention to the baby in my arms.

"There is nothing to talk about" I told him, kissing my baby's forehead.

"Then let me assume, you are angry because I had to leave?" He asked looking at me through the mirror above him.

I was at the backseat with the baby.

"I am not angry Leon" I told him as he pulled up in Chris's drive way. Turning the ignition off he turned and looked at me with depressed eyes.

"If I asked you to move in with me would you?" He asked suddenly and my respiratory system collapsed immediately.

Move in with him? My plan was to get a job and purchase an apartment. I was a woman who like independence. Moving in with Leon could take that away from me.

Leon got out the car and before he could open the door for me I did so myself. Leon stared at me with his hand in mid hair.

"I'll think about it" I replied and his hand came behind me, my red hair falling on my shoulder. I looked up at him through my lashes as his hand rested on my cheek.

"I'll see you soon" he told me in that strict voice of his before kissing me. I kissed back, forgetting the world and my slight anger. Well that was until the baby cried of course.

"Be careful" I told Leon and he nodded. I made my way over to the door, Leon entering the car. He didnt move off however, he only watched as I knocked the door.

Jill opened the door with sleepy eyes, Chris behind her as he yawned

"Young Redfield?" She asked puzzled then her eyes fell on Leon who was sealed in his car. "Did you guys have a  fight?" She pressed on and before I could answer Chris moved Jill aside, his fist clentched.

"What did he say to you?!" Chris exclaimed and Jill took the baby from my hand so I could stop my brother.

"Chris relax, he was called to handle a situation. I didn't want to stay in the house alone so told him to take me home" I told Chris, his tense muscles relaxing.

He then looked to Leon, giving a small salute. Leon returned the gesture before reversing smoothly and driving off.

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