Chapter seven- Survival is not a choice

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Claire Redfield

Claire Redfield

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Claire's POV

I woke up as soon as I heard bodily movements. It took me a while to adjust to the bright lighting but eventually I gathered the courage to open my eyes. The bodily movement continued.

My eyes flew open immediately and I scanned the room. They fell on Chris who smiled. I threw a pillow at him, what if I had panicked and hurt him?

What if I had shot him thinking he's a zombie?

"Assumed it was a visit From the undead?" He teased and I eased up with a yawn.

"Next time you do that I will shoot you" I hissed as I arched my back while I stretched.

Gosh did I feel tired. I didn't consider this a full time sleep as I spent most of last night crying.

"Well at least you woke up as planned. Breakfast is ready and downstairs." Chris informed me and I waved him off. As soon as he left I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and garnered fresh attire.

I made my way downstairs to see everyone having breakfast. Every one but Leon of course.

"Where's Leon?" I asked as it would not be wise to wonder off from the group. Sticking together would be the best option here.

"On the balcony I should think" Jill told me as she took a sip of her coffee. Chris nodi with his mouth full. I smiled at Zara, messing up her brown her with my hands.

"Okay thanks guys" I stated as I took up my breakfast and headed to the balcony. Leon had his back to me, staring at something apparently.

I placed my meal down quietly. What if he really didn't want company and I'm invading? I took up my meal once again and just as I was about to leave he spoke.

"You didn't have to go Claire" he told me and I froze before slowly turning to face him.

"I just thought you could use some company but then again you are never in need of company so I was just..." I was cut off however.

"I'm okay with you being here Claire so no need to run" he told me and I came closer and took a seat next to him.

"I wasn't running" I clarified as I took a bite of my sandwich. This was good.

My eyes then fell onto Leon's un touched food. He glanced at me so I assumed he knew what I was going to ask.

"I'm not hungry" he stated answering my unasked question. I didn't say anything more, I just ate in silence.

He's face was grim as usual as his chin rested on his fists while he watched the city. Well that's if there was a city left to watch.

Majority of the city was up in flames and cries of agony filled the dull atmosphere. Another city that was once filled with life was now nothing but a ghost town. When would this all end?

When would we get back to our normal lives and move on from this mess?

"We won't be able to spend another night here" Leon stated with his gaze still casted to the city.

I followed his gaze but I was still clueless as to why he had said such a thing.

"I don't understand..." I remarked as I placed my food aside and stood.

Then came a loud explosion and the wall of the balcony was destroyed and all I could feel is my body sliding downwards. I closed my eyes as I reached for something only to fail while my stomach anticipated impact.

The ground crumbled beneath me.

"Hold on!" I then looked up to see Leon holding onto me with both hands as he used his legs to anchor himself. Bile rose to my throat as I dared not to look down.

"Survivors...over there!" Came a voice in the distance but I could not see the owner of the voice as I had my back on that direction.

"Is that the cops?" I asked as Leon pulled me up as I clutched my stomach.

"If it were the cops we would have been lucky people. Claire that is Umbrella's men, we have to leave this premises. They are killing every living thing" Leon stated and I heard a child's scream.

I then looked down to see Zara being pulled by the Hair by some men dressed in black.

"Zara!" I yelled as I was about to run to her aid but Leon's arm stopped me.

"Its a trap, that's exactly what they want you to do Claire!" He stated as he removed his gun.

I tried to ignore the child's scream but upon her third cry for help I couldn't do it. I ran to her aid and Leon mumbled the word 'stubborn' under his breath as he followed me.

"Let her go! She is just a child" I yelled as two of the men held onto me dragging me away from Zara roughly.

"Release me! Hey watch your filthy hands!" Jill demanded as she tried to break free from two men's hold. Chris wasn't being held, he just had a gun placed to the back of his head as they led him outdoors.

As soon as Leon stood up about six guns were pointed in his direction. He looked at me then at Chris. He made a face as he threw his guns to the floor.

Then came another guy who practically dragged Daniel out of the house while Daniel begged for his life.

I rolled my eyes.

Couldn't he be a man for at least a day?

"That's every one" another solider or whatever you called these men stated apparently informing his team or squad.

"Good. Now we proceed. Please come with us" the one I'm assuming is the leader stated and Jill's eyes widen.

"Oh fuck no! I'll take my chances on the street than go anywhere with you dick heads!" She yelled as she tried harder to break free.

"I second'll have to take me there dead!" I hissed as I too tried to free myself.

"Its not a request... Its an order. Take them to the Jeep. Separate them!" He ordered in no time we were all driven apart.

I ended up with Daniel and Leon while Jill, Chris and Zara were in the other jeep.

"Maybe now we can talk...Claire I..." I groaned cutting him off as I gave him a glare.

"I'm tied up like a dog in a jeep that could be taking us to our impending death. Do you think this is the time, place or situation to talk?" I hissed and moments later silence filled the vehicle.

That was until there was an explosion and the jeep rolled right into a man made or should I say pandemic made ditch.

Everything went white.

Well shit...

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