Chapter Twenty four- Sending rescue

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🎶Nightcore Monster🎶

Claire's POV

With my knees pressed to my chest I stared at nothing. Dead air.

I was drained, the fight left with within me had died. I've seen so many persons die before me. Why bother?

Daniel was another soul taken by Umbrella. What's the reason for spending my entire life running? To watch everyone I know die? The relive the trauma?

He wasn't the first person I watched to be taken by umbrella but it hurt just the same. As much as Daniel did terrible things the death he got wasn't one he deserved and now he was being manipulated by the G virus.

If I hadn't...

"You do know its not your fault?" Leon asked as he sat next to me, squeezing my hand gently. was my fault and he knew it. We both knew it. Why was he comforting me with a lie?

"He would still be here if it wasn't for me...umbrella would have not been able to manipulate him" I stated.

"That was self deffence, any woman in your situation would have done the same thing. Things happen in ways we don't understand Claire" he told me and I hugged him, his arms tightening around me.

"Sherry is the only person I had ever saved...people always die before me" I stated and he kissed my hair.

"That's not saved me Claire" he told me as he tilted my chin so he could kiss me, me kissing him back. I saved him, wasn't that the other way around?

"How could I possible save you? That Zombie would have ate me alive if you hadn't came along" I told him truthfully.

"If we hadn't met that night in Racoon city I wouldn't be here. Meeting you gave me the strength to leave that city alive...the reason I'm here" he told me as his thumb brushed my cheek. I kissed his hand before raising my head so my lips could meet his again.

Someone cleared their throat. We both looked towards the sound, our lips apart.

"Aren't you guys hungry or is my sister a sweeter snack Leon?" Chris asked or teased rather and I looked else where.

Only my brother would say such a thing to embarrass me. Leon stood, helping me up.

As soon as we enterd the room with the others Leon's radio went off. Our eyes widen with hope as he removed the device from his hip.

"Stanley here, Kennedy can you read me ?Over" came a masculine voice and Jill hugged Chris, we all wanted to leave this hell hole so badly.

"Kennedy here, seeking rescue. I have five surviors. Over" Leon stated as he counted us with his eyes.

"We are logging onto your cordinates, rescue should come in eight hours. Over" the voice stated.

"That's moments before sunrise ...we should be able to hold on until then. Be careful as the situation as gotten worse. These creatures are crawling everywhere. Over" Leon stated.

"Noded Kennedy. Stanley out" Stanley stated before ending the call.

"About time" Ada remarked as she took a bite of her meal, sipping her coffee.

"You do know they could have left our asses" Jill hissed. Ada gave her a look.

Gosh these two had it for each other.

"In the eight hours we will take turns to sleep, two hours each as these things have a tendency to pop out of no where" My brother suggested.

"Sherry and Jill take the first two hours" Leon suggested and the rest of us held our weapons closely as we kept watching incase anything should 'pop up'.

Around half hour later Chris faced Leon.
"It isn't really eight hours huh?" Chris asked quietly. I stared at both men.

"It could take up to ten or twelve hours for them to get here. They said that to keep the survivors calm" Leon confessed and Ada spoke.

"Does it matter, we are actually getting out of here. So what if we have to wait a couple hours" she stated and I sighed. When would this truly end?

When will things go back to the way the way they were before Racoon City.

Four hours went by and it was now time for Leon and I to sleep. We gave that time to the others as neither of us wated to sleep.

Well I couldn't...Leon didn't want to.

"We won't see each other after this huh?" I asked as the sour truth sunk in. We would all go back to our daily and lives and as for Leon and I, we may never see each other again.

He was an agent, his time always belonged to fighting treats. Saving the world. I on the other hand was just a regular girl who had to job hunting to do as soon as I left this place.

"My work is heavy Claire but I know how to find you" he told me. Not a sure answer.

"You don't have to lie Kennedy" I stated and he gave me a look.

"Claire, you mean something to me,don't you ever think I'd leave you. When we get out of here it is only the beginning for us" he told me as he hugged me.

My eyes closed. I sure hoped he was right.

Vote and comment please ;)

Stanley is made up guys, no need thinking he is actually a resident evil character ;)

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