Chapter Fifteen- Giving in

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Claire's POV

The room was dimily lit and the door closed with a click. There was no turning back now as I stared up at the lovely pair of grey eyes before me.

I was already in way to deep.

Neither of us spoke, all we did was stare at each other. It was as though he was trying to read me while I tried to do the very same. There was so much hidden in his eyes, so much I wish I knew. I moisten my lips not breaking our dangerous gaze.

Why did he shut the world out so much? Why was he so...strange.

His hand palmed my cheek perfectly while his thumb strayed to my lower lip. I bit my lower lips holding his gaze, watching him close his eyes for a small moment. His finger felt so good against my trembling lower lip.

Warm to cold.

I was pressed against the door in no time and his lips found mine in no time, my arms was shoved above my head. His free hand was roaming under my blouse and in no time caressing my breast tenderly. I breath heavily with each movement his hands made.

This was going somewhere I had never been, the kind of high you didn't want to come down from.

I moaned beneath his lips softly causing him to open his eyes to stare at me with aroused grey eyes. I held his gaze before resting my head on his shoulder as he stripped me of my blouse.

Then came my bra, shorts and panties. Again, there was no turning back.

I covered myself immediately but his hands were just as quick as he pinned my wrist. How could he be so calm?

We were friends, not lovers. How could he look at me as though we were the opposite.

"I'll be bare to you in a moment Claire" he state gently and I bit my lip trying to be calm.

Again, how could he be so calm?

He then removed his jacket revealing his black body shirt which showed every muscle oh so clearly. How can a man be so perfect? I sucked my lower lip.

He then looked at his shirt then at me with an arched brow. I smiled nervously before bringing the shirt over his head with shaky hands. Why the hell was I so nervous?

Oh yes, I was very much in experienced!!! Sex wasn't my thing. What if I actually mess this up?

I was shaking like hell, could he hear my knees knocking? Or was that my teeth crashing against each other. For all I knew it could be anything at this point.

I was so nervous...

"Claire relax" I then looked up at Leon who had his gray eyes fixed to my blue ones. Relax, wasn't that a easy word to say, try doing it.

I took a deep breath...

"I am relaxed" I lied as the shirt fell to the floor and his hands found their way to my breast again. I could barely feel my legs anymore as his hands worked magic, his fingers caressing my nipples skillfully.

This felt...good.

I was around his waist in no time his lips toying with my right nipple while his fingers pinched the other. I twitched in his arms while his warm mouth paid my other breast attention.

Calm? I knes no such word.

I didn't even realized that we had moved until my back felt fabric causing me to open my eyes to see that we were lying on the bed that held me after I was thrown off that balcony.

We began kissing once more, his hands fisting my red hair as his tongue entered my mouth. I moaned beneath his lips as I took whatever he had to offer.

My shaking ceased but I was still afraid...I was very afraid that history would repeat itself.

What if Leon was just another Daniel...What if Leon was making a mistake with me as we only saw each other as friends?

No I could not think that, I had to divert my thoughts else where. Leon would never do something like that to me right?

I was now straddling Leon, my hands clawing his back as he gave my neck small bites. I could feel him at my entrance and I moaned softly as he continued to pay the skin of my neck attention.

I yelled as soon as he entered my warmth and his lips found mine immediately. A way of sneezing me I presume...

My nails sunk into his flesh as his hips turned slowly against me. The pain left however and all I could feel was pleasure as his thrust gradually became faster.

He was now laying on his back while he stared up at me in pleasure as our hips turned in the moment. I could feel my orgasm coming and I know he was close too.

In no time I was panting on his chest heavily while he ran his finger thought my red hair.

The chapter I know most if not all of my readers were waiting on ;) Well how was it guys?

Vote and comment please ;)

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