Chapter Fourteen- Awkward moments

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Claire's POV

So two days passed since our kiss and if nothing in the world could make me feel awkward that kiss just did. What on earth was I thinking? The more I bought myself to remember was the more the awkwardness grew.

How could I kiss the man I had known for years, the man who saw me as nothing more than a friend? I'm a bit younger so I believe Leon did not see me in such a lightning. I believe he kissed me dye to the tension that was present in that moment.

What on earth was I thinking?

But you and I both know he wanted that kiss as much as you did Claire...

I shook the thought away immediately, that kiss wasn't supposed to happen whether the both of us wanted it or not. I failed to even hold eye contact with my own reflection for crying out loud. Could something so small result in something so big?

As for Leon and I, neither of us said a word to each other. In fact we avoided each other where necessary and to me he was better at this game than me because I had to look at him. I wanted to read some type of emotion from his face.

Whatever I was doing before is no longer important when he walks in, that was how bad at ignoring I was. He was a good friend to me but did the kiss somehow cripple that?

"Claire, mind giving me a hand with the dinner?" Jill asked and I nodded, heading towards Jill and leaving my brother with Leon.

"Actually I was going to volunteer but you looked like you wanted to be alone so..." I told Jill who arched a brow. I shrugged, well it was true, she wore a face that said 'leave me the fuck alone' sometimes.

"Me? Like being alone? You must have me mistaken with some other Jill Claire. I enjoy company as much as anything" she informed me while she skillfully chopped the veggies with a smile.

Okay...something was definitely wrong with this woman. She was seeing my brother after all so something had to be wrong.

"Well then we shall get along quite well Jill" I teased and she playfully rolled her eyes at me knowing I was referring to her moody attitude.

"You Redfields are really something else and just to my advantage another will be joining us in a few months" she stated and I chuckled for a good while before realization sunk in.

Wait what??!!

"You're pregnant?!!" I asked as I froze in scraping the vegetables into the huge bowl.

She covered my mouth immediately and Leon and Chris looked in our direction. Jill grinned and Chris arched a brow while Leon shrugged before they reengaged in their conversation.

"Shhhh. I sure as hell did not shout it to you" Jill remarked as she uncovered my mouth. What can I say, I was a blabber at times.

"Sorry...are you ?" I whispered and she nodded. I was elated and stunned at the same time.

"Yes I am Claire, and the timing couldn't be greater huh?" she asked as she began placing the meat in the frying pan. The shock didn't leave my face one bit.

"Does Chris know?" I asked and she gave me a look.

"Does he know? Look at him Claire does he look like the man who found out he's going to be a father?" She asked.

My gaze fell onto my brother who was chuckling as he spoke to Leon a beer in his hand. Nope...he had no idea.

Not at all. He looked so darn happy and carefree. It makes me wonder, how will he take the news, like a man or like a boy?

"So when are you going to tell him, my brother isn't fond of surprises Jill" I told her or more like warned her.

"Which is why I am loosing sleep over this, how do I tell him Claire. You know I hate keeping secrets from Chris" she told me.

"Tell me what? What secret?" Came Chris's voice and Jill and I almost jumped out of our skins. I also almost squealed but refrain from the action.

Jill and I exchanged glances.

"Tell me what?" He asked once more and I grinned.

"Yes Leon! I'm coming!" I stated before grabbing a carrot and dashing off. Jill tried her very best to grab me but failed.

Leon looked at me with question marks in his eyes as I came running towards him. I dodged that bullet suite skilfully if I should toot my own horn. That was a conversation I had to avoid because I knew like bacon and cheese I would be in the middle.

"But I didn't..."

"Sush and let's get out of here while she breaks the news to him" I stated dragging Leon somewhere else or in another room rather giving those two the privacy they need.

"What news exactly?" Leon asked and sat down taking a breather before I spoke. Was that close or what?

"Well she's pregnant... Surprise!" I told him and Leon arched a brow.

"And she is breaking the news to Redfield just now?" He asked and I nod while I took a bite of the carrot I stole from the kitchen.

Silence followed, well except my awful chewing of course and it didn't take a genius to know what's on our minds. I didn't need to look at him to tell that he was thinking about the kiss we shared two days back.

"I'm sorry" we both stated as of on cue and our gaze directed to each other.
The words clearly said sorry but somehow I knew what had happened between us wasn't something to be sorry for.

"Are we really?" I asked and Leon held my stare.

Cliff Hanger!!! Gosh I love the suspense don't you? Of course you don't you're the readers ha ha :)

Don't worry the next chapter will be fulfilling I promise ;)

Vote and comment people, don't be a silent reader, your opinion matters :)


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