Chapter Thirty one- Haunted

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🎶If you gave me a chance I would take it, it's a shot in the dark, but I'll make it🎶... Rather Be

Claire's pov

It was when Mr Cole came by my office I realized that work hours had finished. I blinked.

Where had the time gone?

"Of course sir, just got a bit carried away" I stated as I began arranging my messy desk as I stood.

"Very well then, have a good evening Ms. Redfield" Mr Cole stated and I gave a friendly smile.

"Likewise Sir" I replied, only to feel my desk vibrate. I took up my phone, answering the call.

"Claire", Leon's voice came on, slightly startling me. Didn't I tell him to get a better voice?

"For petes sake Leon, are you so desperate to give me cardiac arrest" I stated as I used my shoulder to hold the phone, arranging my stuff.

"I will be a bit late, would you rather your brother take you home?" He asked me. Why did this surprise me? Leon was always busy.

"Claire?" He spoke after hearing dead silence. I wetted my parch lips.

"It's 4:30, how late are you?" I asked as I zipped my handbag up, double checking to see that I had everything.

"Three hours" he replied, cars honking in the background.

"There's a cafe close by, I'll wait there" I told him.

"Okay and Claire, be careful" he stated and it was as though my heart was ready to hop from its place in my chest.

"I will be. See you in a few hours" I told him and when he didn't hang up I realized that he was waiting for me to hang up first.

I did.


I stared down at my coffee, my mind elsewhere. My phone rang, me answering on the first ring.

"Where are you?" Chris asked.

"Getting coffee, is something wrong?" I asked.

"I'm beginning to wonder the same thing, where are you?" He asked again.

"Having coffee, is Junior alright?" I asked hearing a baby crying in the background.

"Yes, Jill just fed him. I guess he wants to see you" Chris told me. I sighed in relief, here I was thinking Jill didn't listen to any of my instructions.

"I'll be home soon, I only have a hour wait" I assured my brother.

"Why didn't you tell me Leon was running late?" He asked.

"I didn't want to be a bother, its just a hour wait Chris" I told him.

"A hour?! Claire I could come get you in that hour" Chris told me as though I told him I would be waiting for a year.

"Oh Chris give her some space, give me a hand with the girls" came Jill's voice in the background.

"If I call Leon and he hasn't gotten you in a hour I'm coming to get you" my over protective brother stated and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I will keep you posted brother" I told him, hearing the beep tone. I then placed my phone down, sipping my coffee.

"How do you live so normal knowing you are a murderer" came a voice and I look to see Daniel sitting in the once empty chair before me. My coffee fell from my hands onto my lap, heat penetrating my thighs.

A waitress rushed to me immediately with wide eyes. "Miss are you alright?" She asked and I removed my purse.

"She's just swimming in guilt" Daniel continued and I handed the required cash to cover my purchase to the waitress.

"Yes I'm fine" I stated as I grabbed my phone and tossed it in my bag before throwing my bag over my shoulder. As soon as I ran outdoors, I ran into someone.

I looked up at dark glasses, the man growling as he stared down at me.

"I'm so sorry..." But before I could finish he tossed me aside like a peice of paper. Well someone had a bad day. He strode on, not even sparing me a glance.

"When are you going to tell your brother what you really did?", Daniel appeared before me and I took steps back.

He was dead, this was just me seeing things. I then turn and ran, running into a hard chest. Hands holding onto my arm.

"Let go, can't you see I'm being cased!" I hissed.

"By whom? There is no one behind you Claire?" I then looked up at Leon before looking behind me, there was no one there.


After moments of silence I had finally spoke. "Why is he haunting me?" I asked with my gaze fixed ahead.

Leon sat next to me, taking my hand as he placed the ice pack onto it, I flinched in pain.

"Its your mind projecting guilt Claire" he told me, pressing the cold ice pack to my wounded hand.

"I heard my brother asking Leon, he thinks I'm hiding something. How do I even tell him?" I stated soflty, watching for my brother to make his way downstairs.

And he did...

"I'm going to get another ice pack for your thighs" Leon stated. I blinked, did he really just bail on me?

Chris took my hand and the ice pack, taking care of my hand.

"Claire you do know you can tell me anything right?" He told me and I felt tears.

"And disapoint you?" I asked, my tears falling slowly. He stared at me.

"You are never a disappointment to me Claire" he stated, secretly asking where would I get an idea like that. So I told him.

"I killed Daniel" I blurted out and Chris stared at me.

"Umbrella made him that way Claire" he stated and I shook my head. He was wrong, so wrong.

"He tried to rape me Chris, I was only trying to prevent that but I ended up killing him. If I hadn't killed him he would have been with us, he would not have become one of umbrellas bio weapons" I told him.

"Why didn't you say something about this? Claire that scenario could have ended another way. He could have killed the only family I have" he stated and I stared at my hand.


"I'm not sixteen anymore Chris, it's about time you realize that Christopher" I angryily clarified, storming off. Leon who was approaching with an ice pack stared at me in confusion.

How did you guys find that chapter, I hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it. I hope I haven't taken anything away from the the characters ;)

The book is comming to anvend, in fact the next chapter is the end. Don't worry, I always have a book two up my sleeve ;)

See you soon guys ;)

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