Chapter Twelve- Ignoring our conscience

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🎶Then I get, a scary thought,that is here means its never lost🎶

Claire's POV

I took the seat nervously only to find that I was sitting in an empty row. I was an idiot to see a movie on valentine's day. I smiled awkwardly, my blue eyes moving to the movie that hadn't started yet. I threw a few popcorn to my mouth, my drink being placed to the cup holder closed by.

I looked around nervous, the couples around giving me pity glares. Well would you look at that, it looked as if I was the only single woman here. I needed a life and I needed one rather fast.

I felt desperate to make a friend but I was not too thrilled to talk to anyone. The last thing I needed was to beg to be someone's third wheel. The gaze kept coming but I continued to ignore; a single woman could still have a good time right?

Relationships never really worked for me because I was a bit different from other girls. I was fun to date but too stubborn for a man to enjoy.

"Mind if I join you?" I turned to look at the male smiling down at me.

"Get out of the way!" When a popcorn box connected with the guys head I laughed. He took a sit next to me with a smile on his face, popcorn in his hair.

"I'm Daniel, you are?" He has to whisper due to the fact that he has disturbed the movie enough. I gave a shy smile as I took a small sip of my drink.

"Claire, Claire Redfield"

"Claire! Are you listening to me?" Came Jill's voice and I almost free my skeleton only to gain a look from Leon. Well just how can someone relax after killing someone by accident?

"Huh?" I asked Jill who covered her face before turning to look at Christopher. I sure hoped I did not miss something important.

"Are you serious young Redfield?" She remarked with a huge sigh.

"Daniel left...his room is vacant. You no I can't believe he'd just leave like that, regardless of the fact that he didn't always see eye to eye with our decisions" Chris repeated for Jill and I swallowed my squeak. I didn't think he left the room vacant actually.

"The talkative boy?" Leon asked steering the attention away from me onto him. I guess it was his way of saving me.

"Yes...Claire's ex boyfriend" Jill stated and Chris took a sip of his beer watching her take up the dishes. Well she didn't need to bring forth that sour memory. Chris smacked her ass as soon as she bent over the table in order to retrieve my plate.

"Oh come on Christopher... I'm right here!" I exclaimed like a traumatized child who had caught her parents having sex.

"Well this is strange...isn't this Daniel's cell phone. Why would he ditch his phone?" Jill asked as she took up Daniel's phone resting on the kitchen counter.


Why the hell is that there? I glanced at Leon in panic, why hadn't we gotten rid of the device? Leon's face twitched and when I looked at him his gaze scared me away.

"What if something happened to the little guy? I mean there are a lot of things out there" Chris asked as he looked around the house. What did he expect, to see Daniel hanging from the ceiling?

Or did he expect him to waltz into the room?

To our surprise it was a monster that waltzed in instead. Oh what perfect timing!!! I must thank this creature later.

Jill dropped Daniel's cell phone immediately and removed her guns with wide eyes. In this sick game once you were a survivor there was a constant chase. You were chased by both the living and the dead.

"Jus what the hell is that?" she hissed as she fired at the approaching blob of blood and flesh.

I too would like to know what it is...

"Whatever it is I think it wants us to leave" Leon stated as he took shot at the blob. Flesh and blood flew everywhere and the smell that followed was quite awful.

Well that's nasty.

Chris was sent flying across the room when another creature joined the previous one. I cringed at the sound of my brother's impact with the wall. He coughed, his ribcage being caressed as he stared with wild eyes.

"Chris!!!" Jill and I exclaimed as we ran to Chris leaving Leon to handle the creatures present. I eyed my brother as I got to my knees, Kills hands caressing her lover. This time he coughed blood.

"Shit! I broke a rib" Chris stated as we helped him to his feet. He growled with every movement and I could just imagine what his insides felt like.

"Sorry but you can't sit around Christopher" Jill stated as she tried her best to be gentle with Chris.

"The extra help would be appreciated here" came Leon's voice and I looked to Jill.

"Get the vehicle... Well handle these...what the hell are these things anyhow?" I asked as I grabbed Chris gun and began firing.

Jill and Chris made their exit. Jill fired a few times as she headed for the vehicle with her injured lover.

"These things just won't die!!! Don't a bullet to the head make them dead?" I asked as I kept firing at the thing that wouldn't even make a sound of agony.

Instead it crept closer.

"Their brain must reside in some other part of the body" Leon suggested as he fired non stop.

Yes,that could be true but where in the body?

"Yes but where?" I asked as I dodged the creature's arm or should I say arms? I hopped as the creature manipulated its body, its arms now trying to capture my feet.

"If I was aware Claire at least one would be dead" He stated as he too dodged the creature's elongated arms.

"Familiar with killing are you?" I then looked to see Daniel standing before me, his entire body stained in blood. I closed my eyes and brought the gun down.

No, this was an illusion. It had to be an illusion...

"I believe the knife works better for you my love" I swallowed, my hands shaking for an unknown reason.

No this wasn't real, my mind was playing tricks on me again. This has to be a guilt reaching out to me.

"No Claire, I'm very much real" he hissed as he grabbed my arm shaking me violently. I gasped and stared at the man before me with an open mouth.

"Claire shoot!" Leon yelled and I squeezed my eyes shut. I reopened them in tears...could one mistake really haunt you?

"Daniel I'm sorry, I never had any intentions of hurting you but you forced my hand" I told him as he had me dangling from the balcony.

"Claire you are hallucinating! Shoot!" Leon yelled as he ambled towards me but it was only moments before I hit ground and my eyes shut with a force.

Everything went black.

I've been at this far too long. Well anyhow here is your update guys.


Vote and comment please... See you in the next chapter ;)

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