Chapter Eleven- Making a Secret, Hoping to keep it

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Claire's POV

It was confirmed, I was a murderer. The corpse before me was the fatal evidence and the man that walked in on me was the witness. I swallowed, it was as if I had forgotten how to speak.

"I didn't mean to do it...he tried to...Leon you can't tell anyone about this" I begged and Leon stared at me before closing the bathroom door via the bolt.

He looked alarmed and so was I. It was not many aim to kill my ex lover; I did not hate him that deeply. Leon kept his eyes on the corpse for a while.

"What happened?" He asked as he came next to me.

"I don't know" my voice cracked on every word, my blood filled fingers intertwined as I stared at nothing. Leon leaned in, checking Daniel's pulse at least three times. When he felt nothing his eyes grew wide and his gaze turned to me.

"Damn it Claire, he's dead. What the hell happened?" He asked and my hands that were plastered in blood shook like hell.

"He tried to rape me, I was only trying to defend myself" I told hin as I had no idea what was going to happen next.

There was a body here and as opposed to the failed experiments walking aroumd I was the killer. I was the one to kill Daniel , something I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

"So you stab him to death instead of crying out for help?" He asked that question so bitterly it was like s shot to the face.

"It was not supposed to end that way but he kept trying to touch me as if I was an object as opposed to a person. I had to fight back somehow and I could not scream with my mouth covered" I told him as I squeeze on my finger.

What was I going to do?

"You could have stabbed him elsewhere...I have to inform Christopher. The lovers he stays his decomposing scent will draw unwanted attention" he stated but before he could get up I gripped his arm tightly. He looked to the blood that now rested on his jacket then back to me.

"You cannot tell anyone especially my brother" I told him and he was silent.

It was embarrassing enough for my brother to know this was the man I once called a boyfriend. His sister being murderer was far worse news because Chris raised me to be nothing of the sort. He was high on finding the best way to deal with a given situation.

If he should analyze my situation it would be fair for him to be upset.

"I'll hide his body somewhere" I continued and Leon eyed me. He had a right to, now I truly sounded like a killer.

"His disappearance will be a mystery besides he'll bring forth a pungent odour"  he told me and I ran my hand throughout my hair.

So what happens now? Like a birthday candle Leon wasted no time in blowing my idea out.

"Help me wrap him up" he stated as he removed his jacket which he handed to me as he pulled Daniel's corpse upwards. I felt like crying, how did it all come down to this?

"What are we going to do?" I asked as tears smeared my face while Leon zipped the jacket up.

"There is a river close by" he stated as he stood holding Daniel's limp frame. I gagged on air, my lungs felt strained and my hear was heavy.

"But Jill and Chris..."

"Are asleep and that's is why we make our move now" he stated and I nodded softly. Now I felt like one of America's most wanted.


All I could do is watch Daniel's body sink to the bottom of the river. For the real murders out there I believe they lack a conscience and a heart. My heart was drumming in my chest because there will be the need to confess.

What had I done? What had I really done?

"I killed him, I killed my ex boyfriend" I mumbled and Leon who was standing next to me looked my way.

"It was self just ended the wrong way" he stated as his eyes drifted to my hands. So now he agrees with me?

Minutes ago he was willing to see me as something ugly instead of a woman defending her self. Leon needed to pick a side and stick to it.

"You might wanna get cleaned up" he suggested as he stooped to wash his hands and his face with the water.

I did the same. If there was a list of all the sick things I had done this would top the list. I was washing my face with the water that contains a dead body. A death I am responsible for.

There was an animalistic growl and Leon's guns were out seconds after. Before us on all fours was a wolf that was drenched in blood. I froze with my hands in water, my eyes on the creature.

Well shit...

The wolf had a huge bite to its neck and the virus reigning in its eyes.

"Leon..." I called in a mode of panic as that one wolf became two and in no time two wolves became eight.


"With all that happen in or after this moment do not run" Leon warned with his eyes still fixed to the wolves with nasty cuts. I swallowed.

Did he just say don't run? Had this man given up on life and the aim of survival?

"Don't run, should we wait until they want a bite at us?" I asked as I too observed the wolves before us.

"Running is precisely what they want, if they attack first we are better able to position ourselves to take them out" he stated and that my friend was wishful thie.

I swallowed, I still think we had a better chance running.

The first wolf made its launch but was shot cold in the head. That lead to the others making their launch and that's where this became rough.

"Run!" He exclaimed and I was off in no time.

"This could have been avoided if Daniel was alive" he remarked and I bit back my remark. Instead I answered in silence.

"Up there!" I exclaimed and in no time we made our way into a tree house. Leon shot the remaining wolves from above and I must admit that his aim was excellent.

"So you thought you could wash me down a river" came Daniel's voice and I turned to face him. Bile rose to my

This was not real.

"Well?" He asked and all I could do was blink. He was staring at me for and answer and I failed to speak.

"Claire?" And with Leon's voice Daniel vanished and my heart returned to its rightful place.

"Yeah?" I stated turning to face him.

"We need to get back before Jill and Chris realize that we are missing" he stated and I nod before taking once last look at the spot I thought I saw Daniel.

"Yes, we should" I stated as we made our way down once more.

Seems Claire's conscience is beginning to kick in, how will she bare such a secret. Will things end well or will she confess??

Reading has the answer guys.  

Vote and comment please, sew you next chapter.

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