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"Ouch! My head!"

The 'it' took off his blindfold and it was Chan. Dang it, I forgot that he was here. He looked down at me with a worried face. I glared at him with my super-evil-'get away from me before I kick you' face.


"Yea, I don't care. Just don't step on me you, pabo."

He nodded and spinned again. He looked so nice with a worried face.       
/mental face slap/ what are you thinking Minsoo? You don't like Chan. He's a jerk that won't leave you alone! After the game, they all gathered for something. Ritual? I looked at them, they seemed to be talking. Someone, ahem, Seokmin, turned his head to look at my side. I quickly stopped looking at the 'soon to be having a ritual' guys.

"Hey Mingyu, introduce us to your sister."

Mingyu nodded and called for me. Bee hives. I ran as fast as I can to my room but was caught by Soonyoung-oppa. My running skills are killing me. Wait, I can't run. Unless, it's for Super Junior concert tickets, then I'm running like there's no tomorrow.

"Don't escape."

He dragged me with the group of other genders and I stood there with an annoyed face. Mingyu had that 'lol you're so annoyed' face.

"Minsoo, that's Jeon Wonwoo."

The guy who almost spoiled me with my book and he was one of Chan's friends. Why is everyone related with everyone all of a sudden?

"Chwe Hansol, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Yoon Jeonghan, Hong Jisoo, Boo Seungkwan and Lee Chan!"

"The heck, you have so many friends. I bet they were forced to be your friend anyway oppa."

He slapped my arm and I took my tounge out. I skipped back to the couch and continued reading. Minutes, which seemed like hours passed by and they needed to go.

"Awe, bye guys! Visit us again soon!"

Mingyu-oppa closed the door. Finally they left. I hated visitors. They come to let you know that you need to treat them like a holy God or something.

"Hey, thanks for not smacking anyone today. I just want to hangout with my friends. I'm proud of you that you didn't push someone off the couch today. I'll go get chicken nuggets."

"Yea, sure, whatever Mingyu."

I continued reading. I never trusted anyone after that day.


"Minsoo! I have a gift for you!"

Taeyong came in running with a teddy bear in his hands. He stretch it out, giving it to me. I smiled and hugged him. We finally let go.

"Thank you Taeyong! Here!"

I gave him a box with hundreds of letters that I worked hard on. It also has lots of stickers and drawings I made for him. My first crush. He smiled. Taeyong was also my bestest friend. Even though we just met at the start if the year, we were bestest friends. We would tell each other secrets and we would fully trust each other.

"I want to greet your parents a merry christmas. Can I come by?"

"Yep. I'm sure they would love to see you Taeyong!"

We walked to my house. Taeyong greeted my parents and decided to place the teddy bear on the living room. The teddy bear was on top of the fire place thingy. I don't know but it could see anything and it could be seen by anyone.

"So that he's like a king that will protect your family!"

"Yay! Thank you! Merry Christmas Taeyong!"

risking (seventeen's lee chan||dino)Where stories live. Discover now