History Book

702 18 1

Chapter 8 Unit 2
-People Who See Spirits-

A long time ago, a young man made a deal with the devil saying that he wanted to relive again. For exchange the devil cursed him with red eyes so that it would be hard for him to fit him. The man agreed and went back to earth. People hated him and tortured him for his eyes. They killed him and the young man went back to hell because he also killed people on his second chance. The devil decided to curse everyone who was related to him with the power to see dead spirits. People may say that it was a gift but people with this power are suffering for what they see is not what they want. He also cursed the people who were on the young man's side with the power to be possesed and tortured. People with these power soon lessend since others murdered them for being a bad person. If they have the blood of these people, they probably have this power. Until now, there may be some with this power but it is very rare.

Extra Information
People with these power are usually quiet and doesn't talk to much people. They usually talk to themselves and are very anxious. They aren't dangerous but people are scared of them since they might bring the spirit to them. Especially the one who could be possesed. People stay away from them since they couldn't control who is possesing them.

Work Sheet
Please Refer to the Activity Sheet Given
1. I dont
2. want to
3. have this
4. stupid power
5. someone help me

This Book Belongs to-

ooookay this is the last one xD sooo goodbye but this is not the last if ms. bad at puns and roasts. lol so hope u lieked it and imma see u next time i sound like a utuber but still. and sorry if i spell stuff wrong and my grammar sucks its because i cant lol sorry inna edit this but for now peace✌🏻

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